Chapter 4

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Tabby's p.o.v

My opens my eyes to see what time it is and it's noon. Wow I slept this long. Oh well I won't be tired before the concert later tonight. I get up and went to the Kitchen and look out the window and my Aunt's car is not here of course. I go to the fridge cause I'm hungry. I found some Ham and we have some eggs and I even found hash browns. Sounds yummy right? I hear a knock at the door and I look through the window to see who it was it was just Hunter. I open the door to let him in and he said " nice outfit". I look down to see me wearing my one direction shirt that has Niall on it and my pjs pants to have little Hersey kisses on it. Oh well it just Hunter. I say " thanks want anything to eat?". He just his head yes, I ask him "hey will u do me a favor?" he said "yeah what is it?" I say " will you run to the store and get more hash browns patties, small carton of eggs and a package of bacon pretty please, I pay if I need to." He said "No I got it be back in 10" yes works every time, I just nod my head and say "thanks" he just nods and I hear the front door close and then the truck start up and leave. I'm going to watch some tv til he gets back from the store. I put any thing back up so it dont go bad while I wait. I go in the living room and turn on criminal minds.

Hunter's p.o.v

So I'm at the store getting the bacon and eggs, hash browns patties like Tabby ask for me to get. I also get some orange juice. I go up to the register and pay for it. As I'm walking out to my truck, I'm thinking why did Tabby offer to pay for it when she knows that I hate that. I get in the truck and start it up and head back to Tabby's aunts house.

Tabby's p.o.v

After about 5 minutes I hear a knock at the door and I get up thinking it's Hunter but to my surprise it's not. I open the door to see someone who I haven't seen since graduation day. She said " Hi Tabby" I'm speechless, and I say "Hi Renee it's been forever since I seen you" and she said "tell me about it". I say "come in I'll be cooking soon." " Man I haven't had your cooking in forever" "haha i know right". I hear Hunter pull back into the drive and I say "I will be back in a sec". She just nods and I walk to out to Hunter to help him with the bags but Hunter says " No I've got it it's only 3 bags" I gave up and went back inside and with Hunter following behind. I have Hunter set the bags up on the counter. He asks " who's car is that?" I hear Renee say "mine" and Hunter turns around and see Renee. He says "oh my gosh Renee it's been forever since I seen you" and she said "yeah i know". I tell them to go into the living room and watch tv while I make brunch. They don't agrue and do what I ask and I plug my IPhone into the Iphone dock and start playing my music.

Dani's p.o.v

I wake up and look at the clock to see what time it was and it's almost 12:30pm. I get up and go to the bathroom and then I start to smell eggs, bacon, and hash browns. I walk into the living room and see Hunter and Renee talking and watching Criminal minds. Tabby must have been watching it. I spoke up and said "Hi Hunter and Renee" and they both said "Hi". I ask "Hunter do you know where my sister is?" and he said " In the kitchen Dani" "thanks Hunter" and he just nods and goes back to talking to Renee. I go into the kitchen and see Tabby cooking. Yes yes yes. "you wake up just in time for brunch it will be ready for a few minutes". I see Hunter comes into the Kitchen and says "Can I help with anything?" Tabby tells him "I need 4 plates and 4 forks and 4 glasses and pour the orange juice that you brought and didn't have to do it. He said "Ok" and start to do what she said. I know that she won't let us help cook cause we'll mess it up. I always try to steal a bite but she catches and smackes my hands. I tried any times but I fail and get in trouble. I go into the living room and made small talk with Renee and I hear Tabby say " food ready" I go to the table and sit and start eating. Yes yes yes delious.

Niall's p.o.v

I wake up and smell food. I think Harry cooking, and I get up and went running to the Kitchen and look to see Harry cooking and he says "just got done" and I gave a plate and fix me some and ate, and even had seconds, I was hungry plus harry is an awesome cook. Liam said "go get ready you have 30 minutes". I go take a shower and get dress and then I go into the living room and sit on the couch and watch whatever is on til Paul got here and we left for sound check. After sound check we have some time to hang out but we have to be back at 5 cause we r going to be meeting with 3 fans for an hour and a half before the show and then we have 30 minutes to get ready for the show. We are back at the hotel and we are watching toy story 3. Liam choice of course. I get a text from Simon thats say anything is set up for tonight. I texted him back and said thanks simon. I look down at the time and its 4:15. I say "hey Liam do you know what time it is?" He said "No why?" "Cause it's 4:20 now and don't we have to be back at the arena at 5" I hear him curse under his breath and gets the keys and says c'mon boys we have to go. We all get and leave and we get there a little before 5.

I wonder who the 3 fans are...

Tabby's p.o.v

Me, Renee and Dani are finishing getting ready for tonight. I say c'mon girls we have to be they in 20 minutes, either c'mon or I'm leaving and you guys ain't going" I hear feet shuffling and there I see Renee and Dani ready to go and out the door and getting into the car. When we get there we show them are backstage passes and they led us to a room and I opened and let Renee and Dani go first and I walk in last and see 5 different reactions.

Niall's p.o.v

We heard the door open and 2 people walk in and third one walk in and I went frozen. OMG she's a fan...

Zayn's p.o.v

I see 3 people walk in and then the third one turn and face us. Omg she the one from the elevator and club.

Harry's p.o.v

When I hear the door open I see 2 people I don't know but the last one look fimilar. Omg!!!

Louis' s p.o.v

OMG it can't be her. Can it?

Liam's p.o.v

I see the girl from the Elevator and club. I freak out in front of all 3 people. Oh My Gosh

I hope u guys like it!!!



Love u guys, r u awesome


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