Chapter 19

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Louis's p.o.v

Today I'm taking Tabby shopping she needs more clothes Cuz she didn't have that many so I'm buying her more. Harry and I r going to her's and Ed's flat but I'm dropping Harry off and picking up Tabby. So today I decided to wear my favorite striped shirt with one of my Jean jackets and red skinny jeans and my white toms and wearing my Ray Beans sunglasses. I just pulled up to Ed's and Tabby's flat. Today is going to be a fun day.

Tabby's p.o.v

Today Louis is taking me shopping he seen how much clothes I had and decided I need more of a variety to choose from. Today I decided to wear my black shirt that has Louis since he is my second favorite and my red skinny jeans with my red and black converse to match(outfits on the side). There is a knock at the door and I know it's Harry and Louis. Ed answers the door and let them in. I walk out of the bedroom and into the living to be engolf in a hug from Louis saying "My twin". He hasn't seen what I'm wearing yet. I hug him back and then I grab my sunglasses off the coffee table and grab my phone and keys. "U ready to go Tabby" "yeah Louis" "bye Teddybear" "bye Tabz" I walk over and give him a hug bye he whispers in my ear "u know Louis is going to noticed Ur shirt right?" "Yeah i know but he hadn't yet". We both laugh and me and Lou walk out the door and get into the vehicle and I slip on my sunglasses and then pull out my phone and look to see if I had any texts. I had 4 text messages

From: Hunter: Hey best friends how r u?

To: Hunter: Hey fine thanks wbu?

From: Dani: Hey sis. Love and miss u brunches.

To: Dani: Love and miss u brunches too.

From: Liam: Hey love.

To: Liam: Hey.

From: Teddybear: Hey have fun on Ur shopping trip with Lou. x

To: Teddybear: I will have fun hanging with Harry. x

well I texted anyone back and put my phone down and Louis put his down and started the car and my phone *beep beep* telling I had a message.

From: Louis: Nice outfit. Love the shirt. x

To: Louis: Thanks. I only wear it Cuz I was going shopping with u. My second favorite in the band but u r My twin. x

Even tho we or sitting right next to each other he's phone beeps and he reads the message but doesn't reply. "Second favorite huh?" "Yes u r my second favorite" "who is Ur first?" "Niall" "even he cheated on u" I still haven't gotten over that and my eyes started to get glossy "yes even he cheated on me on my birthday which I forgave him. He is still my favorite I just don't which favorite cuz of something they did or said I'm not like that" "Oh okay so who is Ur third favorite?" "Liam then Harry and then Zayn" "Zayn is Ur least favorite?" "Yes but that's from my fan point of view but no one can beat my twin tho" "Yay" I just laugh and started playing with the radio but nothing was on. So I plugged my phone into the cord so we could listen to music. I put on little things and Louis looks at me smiling. "Wat?" "Out of all of Ur songs y did u choose this one?" "Cuz it's my favorite song" "Oh" we sang to the song and Louis even sang his solo part. Then Perfect by One Direction on next. He just laughs. "I have a lot of songs on my phone of u guys" "I kinda figured that out" "yeah the first time I heard this song I listen to about 10 to 12 times the first day and I still listen to it a lot" he just smiles at me. We arrive at the mall about noon. I was thinking about the conversation earlier in my head I started to tear up. I'm still touchy on the subject about Niall cheating cuz it's only been a month since it's happen I think Louis notice. "U okay love?" "yeah just thinking" he gave me a I don't believe u look but left it alone. First we go to Topshop and then Forever 21. Afterwards we go in Jack Willis. After we finished in Jack Willis we walk out and Louis asks me "U hungry?" "Yeah" we head to the foodcourt to get a bite to eat. A couple teenage girls stop us and look at me with disgust and ask Louis for a picture. He took one with them and then went to get us some food. One walks back over to me and asks "are u and Louis dating?" "No just best friends" "good cuz he would never date anyone like u" I have a bad temper and she pushing my buttons "well wat makes u so sure that he would date someone like u?" "He would cuz I'm not a slut and a fat bitch like u?" Oh no she didn't. "For one he wouldn't date someone like u Cuz Ur rude and wear loads of make-up and second I may be a fat bitch but I'm a sassy one and Louis is my best friend so get over it and go back to ur group of fake ass friends". She slapped across the face really hard and I was about to punch her out but Louis walk back over with the food into a go bag. "U ready?" I nodded and we walk back to his car. "U alright twin?" I nodded but didn't want to turn my head Cuz then he would see my cheek and I didn't need that. We drive back to my and Ed's flat and I walk in and go straight into my bedroom and lock the door. I hear the front door close and a vehicle start up outside and then I hear a knock at my door "Tabz u okay love?" "No" is all I said and lay down and felt my eyes start to get heavy and I drifted off to sleep. I woke up a couple hours later and I get up and unlocked the door and walk out to use the bathroom. I do my business and walk out into the kitchen to get a glass of tea and find a note on the fridge that read. "Hey Tabz I'm going to be at Lou's and Harry flat for a bit and I'll be back at 6 with dinner Love, Teddybear". Wat time is anyway. I go back into my bedroom and pick up my phone and look at the times it's 5 o'clock well I got an hour to kill. I had 3 new messages.

From: Louis: hey twin u okay? I heard u lock urself in Ur room? Text me when u get this. x

To: Louis: yes I'm otay and yes I did and I fell asleep for a few but I'm otay. x

From: Liam: Hey. U okay? If u wanna talk just call me.

To: Liam: I'm otay and thanks.

From: Teddybear: hey love. I'll be at Lou's and Harry's for a bit just text me when u wake up. xx

To: Teddybear: hey Teddy I'm otay and woke up about 5 and otay see u when u get home. xx

Well I'm really not otay but I'm not going to tell him that. I walk into the bathroom and look at my cheek and u can kinda still see the hand print that chick at the mall gave me. I log onto twitter for the first time in a while and see a photo of me and Lou at the mall with arms link and skipping to the food court. There is a brunch of mentions. "Who is the girl with Louis and she is a ulgy bitch how is Louis with her" I read a few more but this last one I read I started crying feeling more insecure about myself it read "@Louis_Tomlinson how r u with this whore and slut face bitch. She is fat and ulgy. Love u" I screen shit to show it to Louis. I grab my jacket and keys. Put my phone my pocket and walk to Lou's and Harry's flat. I arrive about 10 minutes later still crying but it's raining so hoping u can't tell but u probably can. I knock on the door and waiting for someone to answer the door. Louis opens the door and sees I'm crying and shaking Cuz it was pouring down rain and I was walking in it. "Hey twin Wats wrong and let's u get u into some dry clothes and a blanket" "how r u going to get me dry clothes I don't have none here" "yes u do I have Ur shopping bags here Cuz u didn't grab and I was going to send them home with Ed" we walk into the living room and all the boys r here but not the girls. Ed sees me and jumps up and runs over to me and Lou. "U otay?" I just shook my head no and fell into Ed's arms and starting crying again. "Let's u get u clean up Tabz" I nodded and he got a pair of sweats and a T-shirt with an green X on it. Yes it's for his multipy album and he brings me some socks and I go sit down by Louis and Liam puts a blanket over and Ed sits down on the other side of me. Liam spoke up "Wats wrong love" I manage to stop crying for the minute "how any of u been on twitter?" They all shook their head no. "Teddy will u get me my phone?" He gets up and grabs it and hands it to me. I pull up twitter and show them the pic of me and Lou at the mall earlier and Louis speaks up "wats wrong with the pic?" "Nothing just wat people r saying about it" I close the twitter app and go to my galley I screen shot the first mention I read and the last one I read. "Y r u going to Ur galley?" Ask Louis "Because I screenshoted 2 of the mentions" he nodded and I show them and they were shocked Louis said "love don't listen to them u r not any of those things" "yeah Tabz u r not any of those" "but I am don't u get it I'm insecure about myself and always have been" "Ur not twin trust me" I sigh and stood up and walk into the kitchen and I heard footsteps behind me. I could tell it was Liam "wat Liam?" "How did u know it's me?" "Just did" "well Ed and Lou r right Tabby u r not any of things" "but I am fat and a bitch at times but I know I'm not a slut or a whore" he sighs "u r not fat and everybody is a bitch at times" I kinda laugh. "See I made u laugh a little" I walk over to him and give him a hug and he whispers in my ear "y is there a hand print on the side of Ur check everyone seen it but didn't say anything" crap I forget I still had a slight mark on my face "umm I got it from a chick at the mall earlier today and I have a video Cuz I had a wallet necklace and had my phone in it and it was recording her but she didn't know it and I didn't know it still after I got home and took it out of the wallet necklace thing" "let me see the video" "wat about we go into the living room and show the others boys too" he nods "is that u lock urself in Ur room earlier? Ed told us that u lock urself in Ur room" I nodded and I sit back down in between Ed and Louis and then I ask "Hey Harry or Twin Do one of u have a laptop and a iPhone hookup so I can show u a video and so everyone can see it" "yeah Twin hold up" he jogs to his room and a couple minutes later show up with his laptop and his cord "thanks" I start up the laptop and he types the password in and I plug the cord into my phone and the other boys gather around behind me. I pulled up the video and show them but I stay quite. "When did this go down Twin" "when u went to go get some food for us to eat" he nods and says "u r not fat but u r definitely sassy tho" I laugh and said "yeah and u guys know it and u better not forget it" they all laugh and I was smiling "thanks guys for having my back" "and we always will love" and they all agreed. Leave it up to Ed,Louis,Liam,Harry,Niall and Zayn to make u feel better.

Well I hope like it the chapter have been working on for the past 2 days. I want to give a shoutout to 1DVampire1101 for the new cover!! Thanks girl!!. Wat do u guys of the new cover??



Love u guys

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