Chapter 39

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Tabby's POV

I wake up to an empty bed. Where's Niall? That's my ofirst thought. I get out of bed, walk into the kitchen, nope he's not there. I look around my flat and he's not there. I look out the window and see his black range rover gone. I go use the bathroom and wash my hands. After I'm finished I walk into the bedroom again, that's when I see the a little piece of paper laying on his pillow. It read: 'Dear Future Mrs.Horan, I going to the studio today for a little bit but I'll be home by dinner my love. Ni'
Awe well it gives me time to get some things sorted out for wedding. We haven't even told anyone. I dial Niall number. He picks up on the first ring.

"Hi babe" he says

"Hey, I was wondering if you seen my fiancée cause he went mysterious missing" I say

"I don't think I have I'll keep an eye out" he says, laughing.

Man I love this laugh. I could listen to it all day. He knows how to put a smile on my face.

"Anyways you do want tonight have a big get together with all of our friends so we can tell them?" I ask.

"Sure, sounds great"

"Also I've been talking to your mum lately and she wants us to come see her soon so I was thinking this weekend and we can spend the weekend at your moms house"

"Yeah that would be great. Hey babe I gotta go but I'll talk to you later. I love you"

"Ok babe I'll get everything set up. I love you too"

"Bye princess"

"Bye Niall"

We hung up and I called Maddie. After a couple rings she's answers.

"Hey Madds"

"Hey Tabs"

"So I was wondering if you and Lou wanted to have dinner tonight at my flat?"

"Hold on let me ask"


I wait for a few minutes while she's asks.

"Yeah sounds good"

"Feels good" I say,laughing "be here by 6 tho"

"Alright bye"


I finally call everyone and get yes from them. I get dressed(outfit on the side).

Grab my phone and head to the store to get anything I need for dinner

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Grab my phone and head to the store to get anything I need for dinner. I get to the store get anything I need,get check out and pay. I head home  get anything inside and put everything away until 3 o'clock cause I'll start working on dinner then. I just lodge around until 3 and starting making 2 pans of brownies and put whipped cream icing when they are done. I start making hamburgers, after I cook them all I start cutting up the tomatoes,lettuce, and onions. After I finish I was pulling out the 3 bag of chips out and then sitting the soda out. I just sit down when there's a knock at the door. I get up and answer the door. It's Maddie,Louis,Harry and Dani"

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