Chapter 3

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Sorry it took so long to update. I have been busy. Hope u enjoy!!!!

Tabby p.o.v

I'm on my way back to my aunt's house and I turn on the radio to hear Wanted by Hunter Hayes which is my best friend. I'm singing along until I pull in my aunt's driveway. I turn off the car and get out and go in the house to get ready for tonight. I yell through the house to Dani "I'm back and I'm going to get ready and you do to cause we leave an hour" and she "ok". After Dani and me are ready we go and get in the car. She turns on the radio and one of my favorite songs by one direction is on and she saids "this is my favorite song by them". That gives me an idea . I'm going to sing Little Things for her at the club as a another present. I know what you are thinking I spoiled her but hey she is my sister and it's her birthday so I can. When I pull up to the club and I have them take the car, I see Tom, the secerity guard and I say "Hey Tom" and he looks at me and smiles and says "Hey Tabby and this must be your sister Dani. I say "Yep today is her birthday and I'm bringing her clubbing for the first time" and Dani saids "yep". Tom lets us in and I tell Dani "I will met up with you later ok" and she just nods her head. I made my way to find Hunter to let him know I'm here and I feel a little tip on my shoulder and turn around to see someone who looks like Niall Horan but it cant be him he's at that the Hotel that Hunter is at for the Weekend. The guy who tap my shoulder says "Hi love, Do u know where I can find the bathroom? I have never been here I'm visiting LA for a concert tomorrow night. I pointed in the direction he needs to go and he just nods his head and walks off. I turn back around I spot Hunter talking to the the club band. So I walk up to him but was very quiet and the others guys saw me but didn't say anything. So I walk up and put my hands over his eyes and wisper in his ear "guess who" and he said "hmm I don't know maybe my best friend in the whole wide world" and I say "and who is that?" and he said "Tabby" and I say "it better be, now turn around and give me a hug".So I remove my hands and he turn around and give me a hug. I had the other guys laughing at what I did and then I started laughing with them and finally Hunter join in and told me that "I'm so wierd" and I say "you know it and don't forget it either". All of us just went into another round of laughter.

Dani's p.o.v

After 30 minutes pass, I can admit this is fun but I can't wait to see my surprise. I see my sister get upon stage and I'm thinking what is she doing up there she can't sing in front of people she freezes. I wish she didn't she has a really pretty voice and I wish other people could hear it. I snapped out of my thoughts when she looks at me and says "Happy birthday to you and I have 2 surprise for you tonight and here is one of them" she waves someone over and then she saids "I know how much you love Hunter Hayes so I got him to sing a few songs for you,so happy birthday lil sis". After she says that Hunter is on stage and he gives her a hug and she gets down and comes over to over where I am. When she gets here I hug her and say "how did you get him to do this. She saids "we have been best friends for 3 years now, we went to the same high school together" and I say "you are the best sister ever" and she laughs and says " don't you forget it either". After an another hour goes by, I'm trying to find my sister cause she disappear like 10 minutes ago. I got ripped away from my throughts when I run into someone I look up and see that I run into Hunter. I ask him "Have you seen Tabby" and he pointed at the stage and sure enough there she was about to say something. She says " Dani this is the other surprise that I had for you". I hear little things start to play.

Niall's p.o.v

After I ask Tabby the girl from the Elevator where the bathroom was I go found the others so they would know. I didn't need to go I just wanted to talk to her that's all. After about 2 hours I hear that fimilar voice then I hear little things medley start to play. I hurry to find the others. After I get there I say to guys that's the Girl from the elevator. And they look at her and said "yeah it is and she fixing to sing one of our songs". I say "I'm going to go record her" Laim says "dont get to close so you dont freak her out" I just nod and hurry to a perfect shot of her and after i do i hit the record button just in time and a few seconds later she starts singing and she has an amazing voice. After she gets done singing, I stop recording and make my way back over to the group. I sit down and say "guys she has an amazing voice" Liam said "yeah she does" Louis saids "I agree" and Zayn says "Me too" and Harry speaks up and saids " maybe we should play the video at the concert tomorrow night" Laim said "I don't know if Simon will let us" I say "we can call him in the morning and ask" and we all agreed we would.

Tabby p.o.v

After I'm done singing I got clapping from everyone. Dani run up on stage and hug me. Then Hunter hug me and said "great job, after being best friends for 3 almost 4 years you think I would know that u could sing like that. I say "you didn't ask me either" me and Dani started giggling and he just shake his head at my remark. After the club closes and we gets Hunter guitar we headed to the hotel to drop him off and after that we go home and I take a quick shower cause I have sweated tonight. After I get out I go to bed cause me and Dani have a concert to go to so lazy day for both of us until we have to get ready for the concert. I get so sleepy I can't keep my eyes open I drift off to sleep.

Niall's p.o.v

After I get wake up by Laim so we could call Simon and ask. Laim dialed his number and picked up after a couple of rings and says "hey Liam wat do you need?" and I spoke up and said "can we play a video of someone singing one our songs?" Simon asks "why?" Harry spoke up and said " she really good and we met her yesterday in the elevator cause she was visiting a friend that stay here and we went to a club and she sung and she was amazing". Louis said " Niall play the video". So pull up the video and started it and Simon started to say something but then heard her singing and shut up and listened. After it was over he said "yeah you guys can she is really good" we all cheered and said thank you and Simon said "bye boys don't be late to sound check and I will let your manager and let him know what's going on. After he hangs up I get up and went to my room and did the Happy dance.

Sorry to end it like this but next chapter will be there soon. Love u wattpad readers.



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