Chapter 12

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the next morning

Tabby P.O.V

I wake up and I look up to see Ed awake and watching tv with my head til on his lap. I sit up and Ed looks at me, smiles and saids "good morning Tabz" "morning Ed". "Are you hungry?" "no not really" "ok" "do you know if my clothes are dry" "yeah they should be they are in the dryer and it just sound like the dryer went off a few minutes ago" "okay cause I want to take a shower but I don't have my shampoo or conditioner I use with me tho" "I can go buy some for you" "really?" "yeah lets go to the store real quick" "you're the best you know that?" "yeah i know you told me before". we both just laugh and he grabs a green hoodie and I go grab my orange one out of the dryer cause its raining outside. we walk to the closet store to his flat. we go inside and I look at the shampoo and conditioner and I found the ones I use and I turn to Ed "hey Ed" "yeah" he turns and looks at me "can you buy me some body wash if not I can buy me some" "yeah I can its not problem" "are you sure?" "yes I am" "okay" I go pick out the body wash I use and we go pay for it. after we walk back to Ed's flat I go hug him and say "thanks" "anything for my best friend" I smile at him and go get my clothes I'm going to wear which are my Ed Sheeran sweat pants and my Maroon 5 shirt. I own a lot of artist sweat pants and shirts. I go take a shower I get out and get dressed. I brush my hair and put it in a bun when yesterday events occur in my mind. I feel my eyes start to water. my phone buzzes and I look at it. I got a text from Liam. it says "hey" "hey are you in London at your flat?" i know he lives in London too, he replies "yeah why? Are you in London?" "call me" I walk out of the bathroom and see Ed is watching tv so I go into his bedroom and sit on the bed. my phone rings and I look at the caller id and its Liam so I pick up when he saids "Tabby why were wondering if I was in London at my flat?" "cause I'm in London right now" "oh ok" "yeah do you know where Ed lives" "yeah are at his flat?" "yeah I am and can you come over please" "yeah be there in 10 minutes" "don't tell no one that you're coming" "ok I won't, see you soon" "okay" I hung up right when Ed comes in the room "I seen the bathroom door open so I figure you were in here so I came to check on you" how sweet "oh okay is it fine if Liam comes over cause I need to talk to both of you" "yeah that's fine do you want me call him?" "no he already coming over but I still wanted to ask" "oh ok that's fine" he starts to get up " hey Ed" "yeah" "can you tell me when he gets here please" "yeah I can" about 10 minutes Ed walks back in the bedroom but with Liam this time "Liam here" "can you guys sit down please" they sit and I explain about what Niall did they just listened to me and nodded every so often. " I just don't know what to do? I've been cheated on before and I just don't want it happen again and right now I don't wanna talk to him" Liam speaks up "its understandable that you don't wanna talk to him but give it a few days and maybe you should let him explain himself and if you forgive him is your choice" "thanks Liam but I don't wanna go by myself" Ed speaks up " I'll go with you if you want me to" "yeah that be helpful, thank you guys for being here for me" "anytime Tabz" "you're welcome Tabby, hey I got to go but i'll talk to you later ok" "okay bye Liam" "bye" I hug him bye and he leaves "Ed" "yeah Tabz" "i'm going to start calling you teddybear" "why?" "cause you are like a teddybear" he laughs "ok that's fine as long as we are not in pubic then I don't care" "okay but what about round our friends?" "I don't care you can call me teddybear but if we all hang out in public then no but other than that I don't care" "okay and I'm hungry teddybear" he chuckles and saids "what do you want to eat?" "Chinese if you don't care" "I was thinking the same thing" "okay" "ok I'll call and order us some food" I just nod and go sit on the couch and turned on Criminal Minds. The food finally arrives and me and Ed are sitting on the couch watching criminal minds "hey teddybear" "yeah tabz" "I'm getting tired I'm going to take a nap if you don't care" "yeah that's fine I'm going to meet with Harry and the guys but I'll bring dinner home if I'm not home when you wake up just call me and I'll tell u where Harry & Louis flat is cause Louis misses youu" "I miss him to and yeah I'll come but after I take a nap tho" "ok well I'm leaving" "okay bye teddybear". I give him a hug wait for him to leave and then I go lay down.

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