Chapter 24

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So here's a the next chapter hope u enjoyed!!!!

I wake up and check Wat time it is and it's 6 am. I could barely sleep last night cuz of the pain. Well I grab my crutches and crutch myself to the bathroom and do my business. I finish up and get ready for the day and then I pack up my dirty clothes and my laptop and charger and phone charger. Hunter just came out of the bathroom himself. He has been up with me cuz of my knee. Isn't he such a gentleman? He grabs my suitecase and we head down to the lobby and we get a cab and head to mine and Ed's flat. I lean my head on Hunter's shoulder and my eyes get heavy and I drift off to sleep.

                   Ed's p.o.v

I've been up since 5 cuz I couldn't sleep that well but I'm happy Tabby is coming home tho. My phone starts ringing and I look at the caller ID and it's Tabby "Hello Tabz" "Hi Ed it's Hunter Tabby is past out on my shoulder cuz she was up almost all night in pain but I've been up with her and she wanted to come back this morning and I was wondering if u can carry her in and I'll bring her stuff in but I'm going back to the hotel to get some rest and I'll be back over afterward til my flight leaves at 9 tonight if that's cool" "yeah that's fine she has missed u" "yeah I know she was that's y I come over here for 3 days to visit her and spend time with her" "yeah I'll see u when u get here" alright bye Ed" "bye" when the cab pulls up I walk out and Hunter has her in his arms and he hands her off to me and I carry her off to her bed and lay her down and put an extra pillow under her knee and I cover her up and leave a kiss on her forehead and walk back out to the living room and say "thanks Hunter" "ur welcome Ed I'll see u later" "alright bye" "bye" he walks out and gets back into the cab and the cab drove off. I take Tabby's crutches and put them by the bedside table. I walk around and get under the covers and wrap my arm over her protectively and start drift off of to sleep.

                 Tabby's p.o.v

I wake up but I'm not in the hotel anymore I'm in my bed. It takes me a minute to register wat happen early this morning. I remember getting to the cab and laying my head on Hunter's shoulder but nothing after that. Speaking of Hunter who is laying next to me I turn my hear to found Ed. "Teddybear" his eyes flitter open and he smiles "Hey Tabz" "how did I get into my bed?" "Well Hunter used her phone to call me and he ask me to carry u in and so I did and I layed u in ur bed and prop up ur knee and he left and went to get some sleep at the hotel and he said he would be back later before his flight tonight and then I crawled in beside and fell asleep cuz I didn't sleep very well while u were away" "awe teddybear" he just smile at me. I checked the time it's noon. "Hey Tabz?" "Yeah Teddybear" I think All the guys r coming over " "when?" "1 o'clock" "oh we got about an hour but does any of them know I'm here?" "No so we surprise them" "yeah so I can be sitting in my room and u tell the guys that I moved back to LA and they r all going to freak out" "yeah but instead of u sitting in ur room we should get some boxes and pack all ur things in and put them all under the bed and ur comforter will cover them and we hide u in the closet in the front room" "yeah so u would go buy some boxes cuz we have about an hour to do this" "alright be back in 10" so after Ed gets back we pack everything but the bed covers and pillows cuz those r Ed's and we put it all under the bed finally we finish with 10 minutes to spare "wow the room looks white and empty" "yeah it does" we laugh and we head to the front room and there is a knock at the door so I get in the closet and hide in there. "Hey Ed " "hey guys" "y do u look so sad?" "Tabby moved back to LA" they all say "wat?" Laim says "did she say y?" "She said that she couldn't handle the fans abusing her cuz it reminded her to much of wat her father did" Louis spoke this time "wat and she didn't say goodbye to anybody" "no not even me she left a note and her key to my flat" yeah I wrote that letter and we put my key beside it and I can't believe they r buying this. "Wow I'm going to miss her" "we all will Louis" said Harry. I text Ed saying "you need to get them all faced away from the closet door" and he texted back "ok". About a couple minutes pass and Ed texted "ok u can come out now this is going to be so funny they all went to go look in ur room haha" "yeah ik I'm going to make my way to the couch so keep them in there for a minute" "ok" so I open the closet door crutch myself out and close the door and make my way to the couch and sit down I'm glad to be out of that closet I'm claustrophobic. "Ok only send Louis out cuz he reaction is going to be more priceless than any of the other guys" "alright". So I heard Louis walking from the room "ok I'll go make us some tea Ed" perfect idea teddybear I think. Louis saw me his whole face lit up and his eyes and he yell "OMG Twin" and runs at me and throws his arms around me. All the other guys came in and all came and hug me all at the same time. "Guys can't breathe" "guys back up she claustrophobic" they all back up and Louis sat beside me "I thought u moved back to LA" "No it was all a prank to surprise u guys" "that's mean twin" "awe I'm  sorry twin" "it's okay cuz u didn't really leave" I just laugh at them and we all watch movies and order pizza for dinner and play black ops of course I won. Hunter got there right before the pizza did. They all left around 9 but Hunter left before that for the airport I'm going to miss him but I'll go visit him soon when I go to his last show cuz I brought a ticket and a backstage pass but he doesn't know so I'm going to surprise him. I get drag out of my thoughts when Ed speaks "man we got them good" "yeah we did man there faces was hilarious" "yeah I know" "yeah" Ed leans in and kisses me on the lips but he pulls away a little to quickly than I wanted. "Hey teddybear" "yeah" "I think I'm ready for a relationship but we date can we take it slow" "of course Tabz I would never make u do something u didn't want to do" "yeah I know" I kiss him on the lips and crutch my way to my bed cuz I'm tired "goodnight Tabz" "goodnight teddybear" he kisses my forehead and starts to walk out of the room "teddybear" "yeah" "plz stay" "ok I will so he pull off his shirts and climbs in and we cuddle and watch tv til we fall asleep in each other arms.

Hoped u like itthanks for the voteds and comments.



-love Tabby

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