Chapter 34

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Maddie's p.o.v

"Hey Maddie I'm going to go to the store I'll be back, and Niall behave" " alright see ya" "bye babe" Tabby walks out the flat and I hear the truck start up. " Hey Maddie wanna cook dinner for Tabby and surprise her?" "Sure I'm in" we go into the kitchen and get started I'm still in my pjs. I didn't feel like getting dressed. We started to get anything ready when I spot some floor. I grab and throw some at Niall and then he grabs some and throws it back at me. We end up getting into a full on flour food war and I won of course. "C'mon let's get this clean up before Tabby gets back and we both get our butts chewed out" he nodded and started help cleaning up. We get it all swept up and I mop the floor while Niall went to take a shower cause it was in his hair and its in mine too. Niall has some extra clothes here cause he keeps forgetting to get them. After Niall showers I go to shower and get ready I guess for the rest of the day. I turn on the shower and let the water heat up to the right temperature and I strip and step in. I do my normal routine and get out and get dressed and I'll have Tabby do my hair when she gets back(outfit and hairstyle on the side).

 I do my normal routine and get out and get dressed and I'll have Tabby do my hair when she gets back(outfit and hairstyle on the side)

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My shirt covers up my tattoo. It's all healed but no one knows about besides Tabby. "Hey Maddie should be actually start dinner this time" "yeah" we started getting dinner ready when my shirt sleeve slip up enough to see the end of the tattoo and Niall notice it. "Hey Maddie did you get a tattoo? Does Louis know?" "Yeah I do and no he doesn't" "oh well can I see it?" "Yeah sure" I showed him "nice" "yeah" we just talk about random stuff while we cook.

Tabby's p.o.v

I'm at the store right now getting food for the flat and my secret stash of junk food. I'm surpise Niall hasn't even found it yet. Anyway my outfit today is a long sundress and a dark blue jean jacket and flats(outfit and hairstyle on the side).

"Hey Twin" I jumped and I heard laughing "gosh Louis you scared me" "sorry what are you doing here?" "What does it look like I'm doing shopping for food" "ok miss sassy" we both just laughed

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"Hey Twin" I jumped and I heard laughing "gosh Louis you scared me" "sorry what are you doing here?" "What does it look like I'm doing shopping for food" "ok miss sassy" we both just laughed. "Ok if I'm miss sassy then you're Mr sassy" "damn right" we both just laughed again. I needed to get something off the top shelf but I'm short so I stand on my tiptoes and got it but Louis notice my tattoo but just the very bottom of it. "Hey when did u get a tattoo?" "Oh like a week ago or so" "where did you go?" "The place you refer to of course" "good now let me see" I lift up my dress just a bit to show him "wow they did awesome job!" "Yeah they did" "did you get another one or only that one?" "I got another one" "let me see" I took off my jacket to show him "that's nice" "yeah" but what he doesn't know is that Maddie has the another part to it. "Does Niall know?" "No" " oh he scared of needles" "yeah I know before I even met you guys I would call him the tattoo virgin" "really?" "Yeah but it's true" "yeah it is" we just do the rest of your shopping together and talk about How Dani and Harry are doing and the new married couple are doing and some random stuff we also talk about. It took us an hour to finally finished shopping. I go check out and Louis ends up paying even tho I argue the whole time but I gave up cause he slid his card and pay when tho I told him not to. They ring up his items and he pays. We walk out to our vehicles and guess what we parked right next to each other "ok that's just awesome twin power" " twin power" "people are looking at us weird" "that's ok they can look ". He called me "hey can I came over to your place and surprise Maddie" "of course you can twin" "ok I'm going to go home and take this groceries help put them away and I'll be there so give me 30 minutes" "ok see you then" I get in the truck and head to the flat and walk in the door to find a beautiful dinner sitting at the table "oh my guys it all looks delicious and Maddie c'mon let's do your hair" "ok". I do her hair and just finished where there was a knock at the door. I answer it "hey Lou" "hey" "Maddie" "yeah oh my gosh baby" she runs and leaps into Louis arms and Louis spins her around and sets her back down. "C'mon you two let's eats" "ok" we all set down at the table to eat and having a nice full conversation. "What did you guys do while I was at the store "well cook but before that Maddie through flour at my face and we ended up having a flour food war" "nice one Maddie" " hey you're supposed to take my side" "why I would've done the same thing" we just cracked up laughing. "Maddie" "yeah" "think we should show them?" "Show us what?" "Niall I know you're tattoo virgin but I got a couple tattoo like a week ago and Maddie got one also but I know Lou doesn't mind" "no I don't it's her choice" "thanks babe" "Niall how do you feel about it?" "I'm fine with it if that's what you want than I'm fine with it plus it makes you look way hotter" I blush "thanks babe". We showed them the one on our arms like go together and then I showed Niall the one on my leg. I'm happy that he completely ok with this. We sit on the couch while I sat on Niall's lap but we all sat down and watch movies still about 11:30 and when all get to bed. I stole Niall shirt tho and put on some One Direction pjs pants "you'll always stealing my shirt after I take it off" "well it smells like you and it's comfy to sleep in" "ok babe" he leans down and pecks my lips and crawls into bed next to me. I turn on How I Met Your Mother and we watch til we both fell asleep.

Yay I've updated!!! Niall and Louis found out about the tattoo and completely ok with it! So tell me what you think?? Don't forget to vote and comment. Love ya guys


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