Chapter 32

13 3 5

Tabby p.o.v

Today Dani is graduating and I'm really happy for her. My little sister is graduating from high school after graduation we are flying back to London. She doesn't want to go to prom so I'm not going to make her. Louis,Liam,Niall,Harry,Maddie and me all came to support her. Renee and Zayn didn't cause they are on their honeymoon. Anyways I'm helping Dani get ready(Outfit on the side).

Then I'm taking her to the high school and coming back to the Hotel that we stay at last night

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Then I'm taking her to the high school and coming back to the Hotel that we stay at last night. All the boys shared a hotel room. Me and Maddie had to share one to but we didn't mind cause we had a whole bed to ourselfs. Dani got here around 7 this morning and it's now 7:30. "Maddie I'll be back in 15 minutes" "ok I'll just get a little more shut eye and wait for you get back" I just nod and we went and got into the rental car and I took Dani to the school and drove back to the hotel. There were One Direction fans outside the hotel. Crap. I put the vehicle in park texted Niall to come to the lobby so I don't get swamped by fans. I started walking up to the hotel. I pushed my way through the crowd of teenagers. I finally got inside and the elevator ding and a sleepy looking Niall was standing there. I get in the elevater and he walks over to me and pulls me into a hug and pecks my lips. "Morning princess I see you made it through the crowd" "yeah babe I did thankfully no one recognize me" "yeah" he pecks my lips again and catches me off guard "stealing kisses this morning are we?" "Yeah it's not stealing if you are already mine" "cheeky" he just smiles the elevator ding on the floor. "Well I'm going to go get ready. Tell the boys to meet us at the elevator at 8:30" "okay babe" we both walk to our rooms to get ready. "Maddie I'm back c'mon we gonna get ready" "ok" (Tabby outfit on the side.)

I get dressed and do my hair and my little bit make-up I use

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I get dressed and do my hair and my little bit make-up I use. I wait for Maddie to get ready(her outfit on the side).

 I wait for Maddie to get ready(her outfit on the side)

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