Chapter 38

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*6 months later*

Tabby's POV

A few days ago it was Niall and mines 2 year anniversary but we didn't get to celebrate it cause Niall was at the studio. He's been working on new music while the guys are on hiatus. So he finally taking me on a date. I go into my bathroom turn the water on,wait for it to heat up, strip and step me letting my muscles relax under the hot water. I am the only one here cause Niall went to go get ready and Maddie is at Louis and Harry's flat. I do my normal routine and step out,turning off the shower. I dry off and get dress(outfit on the side).

Then I put on minimum make-up and then I start doing my hair once it's dries(hairstyle on the side)

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Then I put on minimum make-up and then I start doing my hair once it's dries(hairstyle on the side).

Then I put on minimum make-up and then I start doing my hair once it's dries(hairstyle on the side)

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After I'm done with my hair,I grab my phone and keys, putting them in the cutch purse. I walk out of my bedroom and walk into the front room,sitting on the couch waiting for Niall to get back to pick me up. After waiting about 10 minutes there was a knock on the door. I get up and answer the door but only poking my head out.

"Hi princess" he says

"Hi, let me grab my purse and then I'm ready I say closing the door so he can't see my outfit. I grab my purse and walk outside locking the door behind me.

"Wow Tabby you look amazing"

I blush "thanks you look pretty handsome yourself Mr.Horon" I giggle

"Yeah,yeah let's go" he says smiling.

He grabs my hand entwining our hands and walking to his black Range Rover. He opens the passenger side door for me.

"Why thank you kind sir" I say getting in. He laughs and jogs around to the other side. He starts the car and I turn on radio. He starts driving and I just lay my head against the window, listening to the music, while looking up at the sky. He pulls in Chinese restaurant.

"Wow Niall you didn't have to do this, it's amazing" I say

"I'll do anything for you"

I mentally just awe at him. He gets out and comes around and helps me out. We walk inside hand and hand. We eat and chat about anything really. We finished our dinner, Niall pays but I argued with him about letting me pay but being a gentleman he is, he refused. We walk back out to the vehicle and he helps me get in, jog around getting in himself. I turn on the radio again and I'm A Mess by Ed Sheeran was on, I softly sing along getting lost in the song. I lay my head back against the seat rest, just listening to the next song that starts playing. We finally stop and Niall parks the car.

"Leave your shoes in the car. We are going to walk on the beach shore during the sunset" he says

I take my shoes off while he gets out and comes around, opening the door and helping me out. He entwines our hands as we walk along the shore.

"Thanks Niall for everything tonight I mean it. I say looking at him

"Anything for my princess" he smiles.

We continue to walk along the shore.

"Hey can we take a picture" I ask.

"Of course, come here"

He pulls out his phone and I put one arm around his waist and lay the other one on his chest. We both smile and he snaps the picture. Then we stay in the position and he gives me a kiss on the cheek, and takes another one. I look at him,and he takes another picture. We both connect our lips and he takes a picture and I pulled away.

"4 pictures wow and I thought I was selfie person" I say with sass.

"It's only because you're in them"

"Cheeky but cute" he laughs.

We continue walking a little ways and then he stops and let's go of my hand. I just look at the sunset and how beautiful it looks. I turn around to see Niall down on knee. I put my hand over mouth.

"Tabitha Sharp, this past 2 years have been amazing with you, you're beautiful, smart, definitely sassy but I wouldn't change it for the world. Will you make me the happiest man alive and become Mrs.Horan" he asks

By this time I have happy tears streaming down my face.

"Yes, yes I will" I say

 He stands up,puts the ring on, picking me up and spinning me around, before he kisses me passionately

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He stands up,puts the ring on, picking me up and spinning me around, before he kisses me passionately. We kiss for a few minutes before I break away. I push him,making him fall.

"Last one back to the car is a rotten Niall" I say running back to the Range Rover,laughing.

I get in and buckle and wait for him to run over here to vehicle and get in.

"You are something else Tabby but I still love you"

"And I love you too."

We arrive back to my flat. We go inside and I straight into my bedroom changing into sweats, and old shirt and putting mismatched socks on.

"Niall you coming to bed?" I ask tired

"Yeah I'm coming" he says, walking into my bedroom in sweats that he has left here many times.

We crawl into my bed and me facing the door and him laying his hand over me. I entwine our hands and then I hear light snores coming from behind me. I smile and think wow today has been amazing, I can't believe he propose to me. I can't wait until we get married. I smile as sleep took over my body and I fall into a peaceful night sleep.

Hey guys! Here's chapter 38. I will be ending this story very soon :( . Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter and book! Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you guys❤️


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