Chapter 11

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Two weeks later
Tabby's p.o.v

So Tomorrow I turn 19 and I'm so excited cause tonight I'm going to the CMA tonight with Hunter. Then I'm flying out to London to go see Ed & Niall to surprise them well Ed knows I'm coming cause he bought the ticket. I'm all ready for the CMA. Me and Hunter are just waiting on the Limo to get here. "Cmon Tabby limo is here" "okay coming" we just pull up to the Red carpet and we get out of the limo and start walking down the Red Carpet. We get so questions like "are you guys dating??" Or "Hunter who is this?" Hunter says "This is my best friend in the whole wide world" I say "Yes I'm his best friend we are nothing more plus he is like a big brother to me that I never had" I walk away with Hunter following right behind to he catches up to me. "Thanks for saying that cause they would be all over you and me asking if we are dating and stupid stuff like that" "no problem" we hug and go take our seats. After the award show Me and Hunter had back to the hotel. I take a shower and change into sweat pants and an Ed Sheeran T-shirt. "Hunter I'm leaving for the airport" "hold up in coming with you" "okay hurry up cause I can't miss this flight" we headed for airport. We get though security system and we waiting for my plane to be call which speaking of they just call it "plane headed to London is boarding now" we hug and say our goodbyes and I say "love you Hunter I'll text you when I land but I'll text you when we can have our phones out" "okay and love you too" I wave and board the plane. We take off and when we can have our phone out I text Hunter and Ed. If you are wondering me and Niall have been going out 3 weeks now. Hunter knows and so does Ed. Well I text Hunter and Ed I'm going to sleep causr I'm tired they both texted back ok sleep tight.

I wake up when the pilot says to turn off our cells phones and all your electronics cause we will be landing in London in 10 minutes. So I do What he says. After the plane landed I get my luggage and walk outside to go get a taxi. I put my hoodie on cause it's a little colder here in London. I tell the Taxi person where to go. I pay the taxi man and get my backpack and walk up to Niall flat and I knock lightly on the door. I open the door and see something I didn't expect to see especially on my birthday. Niall was kissing another girl. I feel hot tears running down my face I say "Niall" he looks at me and starts to say something but I started running away I don't know where I'm going and I don't care right now. This is the worst birthday ever. I see a park and I go sit down under a big tree I pull out my phone and it starts pouring down rain. I think oh great oh well I'm not moving. I call Ed I'm still crying he picks up "Hey Tabz" I don't say anything "Tabby are you there" "yes" "why does it sound like you been crying Tabby What's wrong??" "Niall cheated on me and on my birthday too" "oh I'm sorry love where are you it sounds like it raining" "that cause it is in at a park sitting under a tree in the pouring down rain" "you are going to get sick" "so i don't care I've been cheated on" "Tabby I'm coming to come and get you, Do you know the name of the park??" "No I don't cause I was to busy running to pay attention" "ok well there is only a few parks so I will found you" "okay". I hung up the phone and Niall has been blowing up my phone with text message and he keeps calling. I lay my head on the tree and put my headphones in and put on some music. I'm listening to Give Me Love by Ed when I feel I tap on my shoulder I open my eyes and see Ed I stand up and hug him and he hugs back. He grabs my bag and we walk back to his flat and he gives me some of his clothes so I can put on some dry clothes. His clothes are a bit big but they will work cause all of mine are soaking wet. I go back into the front room and sit on the couch and Ed comes out of the kitchen with popcorn and chips and a couple soda pops for us. He also orders some pizza while I pick out some movies to watch. I put one in and the pizza finally arrives and we eat while watching movies all day and hanging out. I say "thanks Ed for this" "you're welcome love that's What I'm here for" I smile and hug him. Today started out really bad but Ed has made it better. We just finished a movie and ed puts one in and I see the title and it's his favorite movie. He sits back down and I lay down on his lap cause I'm tired cause I'm jet lagged and he puts a blanket over me and I end up falling sleep on Ed lap and when I wake up I feel a arm around me. I remember falling asleep on Ed lap and I'm guessing Ed fell asleep too. I just go back to sleep cause i know I'm safe here with Ed.

So I hope u enjoyed the chapter???
Ik Niall is not a bad person but he and Ellie Goulding did do wrong to Ed which he wrote the song Don't about it. But I have nothing against it. I was mad for wat they did cuz it's wrong but Ed did forgive them tho which is good but anyways

Any suggestions about way should happen next just message me if u have an idea and I'll see if I like it and if so I'll put in the next chapter.
Love u guys and thanks for trading my stories.

~Love Tabby

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