Chapter 21

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The Next Morning

Louis p.o.v

I feel bad for my twin cuz she broke her hand because of the public. That's why none of us boys like the paps. I think I'm going to go to the mall but I'm going to see if the guys want to come along for some guy time. "Do u guys want to go to the mall just us & Ed?" They all agreed and harry texted Ed and he agreed as well. So we pick him up and went to the mall.

Tabby's p.o.v

I wake up and walk into the bathroom and do my business. I walk into the kitchen to see a note on the fridge that's reads "going out with the guys be back later -Teddybear❤" aww he put a heart next to his nickname. I think I'll go exploring around the city today. I get dressed(Outfit on the side) and texted ed to let him know that I'm going to explored the town today. I take a pain pill for my hand. It was the left one that I broke. At least it wasn't my right hand tho. I grab my phone, keys, and put on my sunglasses on. I walk into my bedroom and grab my cash and my credit card and put them in my jean pocket and walk out of the flat and lock the door and starting walking into the city. I had photographers and people ask me what happen to my hand and one of the guys hurt me. I ignored them all and walk into Starbucks for a hot chocolate. I walk up to the counter and the guy behind it "How many I help u?" "I like to order a hot chocolate please" he types it in "will that be all for u today?" He winks at me gross "yes thank u" I pay and wait for my hot chocolate. I get my hot chocolate and walk out of Starbucks and see that the guy behind the counter wrote his phone number on a piece of paper and tape it to my cup. I can see a prank call with Louis later. I put the piece a paper in my pocket. I walk into this jewelry store and was looking around when I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn around to a blonde girl that about the same age as me. "Your that girl that was in the magazines" "um yeah do u need something?" "Don't get a attitude with me" "um I wasn't but I can get one" "u better stay away from the boys and Ed" "um excuse me but u r not my mom or dad and u can't boss me around to do anything" "do u wanna make a bet" "um yeah cuz I don't know u and sure as hell know u don't know me" she slaps across the face "wow is that the best u got" she punches me in the stomach a couple times really hard that it will probably leave bruises and then she kicks me in the stomach and walks out of the store. I'm holding my stomach and the owner comes over "u okay I just saw what happen?" "Yeah I'm fine thanks I'd better go" she nods and I walk out and it hurt to walk. I walk to Louis and Harry's flat cuz it was closer. Louis had a key made for me. I unlock the door and the boys ain't back yet. So I walk to the bathroom and shut the door and lock it. I lift my shirt up and there's a big blue and black bruise on my stomach. I put my shirt back down unlock the door and went into the kitchen to make some tea. I put the kettle on pull out 3 mugs and then put the water and added the tea bags and sugar and I took one cup and walked into Louis's Bedroom. I heard the door open and Louis's and Harry's voice. "Yeah that was great" "yeah hey Harry do u smell tea" "yeah I think someone is here" I hear then walk into the kitchen "someone made us a cup of tea and they r still hot" "I bet ik who it is" "who" "grab your cup of tea and come on" I hear their footsteps and see then in the doorway "hey twin I figure I would find u here" "hey twin and Harry" " thanks for the tea Tabby" "Ur welcome guys" Harry goes to his bedroom to watch TV and Louis comes sits on the bed beside me. I move to face him but pain shot through my stomach and Louis noticed my pain look "u okay Tabby Wats wrong?" "Nothing" "I don't believe u" I knew he wouldn't "don't make me tackle u and sit on u" "no please don't do that" "I will if u don't tell me" I lift up my shirt enough where he could see the bruise he goes to touch it and I put my shirt down real fast "no don't touch it" I hear Harry shout "Lou stop being dirty" Louis shouts back "I'm not boobear" "alright I'm coming in there tho cuz my room is boring" we both laugh at him and my stomach started hurting really bad so I stop laughing "u sure ur okay?" "Yes Lou it just hurts" "what hurts" crap "my hand" nice save Louis gave me 'this ain't over talk' look. "Oh okay so did u have fun exploring London?" "I didn't really get to explore that much" "y not" "paps wouldn't leave me alone" "so what did explore?" "I went to Starbucks and got a hot chocolate, oh that reminds me Louis the guy at counter wrote his number down and now we can prank call him" "ok twin" "I want to help" "otay Louis u will be the boyfriend and harry u r the brother" "ok twin" " alright" "I also went to this jewelry store and I left there and came here and made some tea" "oh ok" I dialed the guys number and he answer after a couple rings "Hello" "hi this is the girl from earlier today" "the one I tape my number to ur cup" "yes" "I can't believe u called" "will I did" "I still can't believe it" I hand the phone to Louis "well u better believe it boy Cuz this is her boyfriend u r talking to now" "oh I didn't know she a boyfriend" "will u don't just give a girl ur number and expect then to tell u they have a boyfriend" "yeah I know" Louis hands the phone to Harry "now u r talking to her big brother "oh crap" " yeah if I find u I will beat u up if I ever speak to her again" "alright I gonna go bye" he hangs up we all just burst out laughing "well I probably should be getting home" "alright Tabby" "ok twin I'll talk to u later" alright bye boys" I shut the door behind me. I start walking and then get a text

From: Lou: u better call me and tell me wat happened.

To: Lou: I will when I get home.

When I get to the flat I walk in and sit on the couch to rest. I get up and walk to my bedroom and call Louis. "Hello" "Hey I'm home now" "ok now u better tell me" "alright cuz Ed went out to get some food" "alright" "well when I was at the jewelry store a woman come up to me and was saying that I should stay away from u guys and everything and I got rude right back and she punch me in the stomach twice and kick me in the stomach and that's how I got this bruise" "wow seriously well u didn't listen to her" "of course not y would I?" "point taken" "yeah well I'm going to take a shower and put on some sweats so I'll text u later" "alright I'll text u also" "I love u twin" "I love u too twin bye" "bye". I take a shower and get dressed and ate cuz Ed brought back Chinese food and we hung out for the rest of the night.

Well I hope u guys like the chapter and I'm staying strong after wat earlier last week but I'll update again soon!! Love ya guys!!

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