Chapter 31

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    ********6 months later********

Tabby's p.o.v

I'm at the church about to get ready but before I do I want to introduce my childhood best friend Madison Foster. I call her Maddie or Madds. A couple weeks ago she move in with me at my flat. She is as old as me and we are very close, always have been. She lost her job where she was at cause of a stupid reason if you ask me but I'm not going to get into that. Her and Louis have been hitting it off pretty well. I couldn't be more happy for her and Louis cause they both have had some bad relationships. Louis is being a gentleman. Of course he better be or I'll kick his ass and he knows I will. They have been on a few dates here and there but I know Louis is going to ask her to be his girlfriend soon. Louis did ask Maddie to be his wedding date and she said yes. So I understand and so I don't have a date I'm a loner but it's fine. Anyways I'm getting dressed in my bridesmaids dress and there is only two cause it's me and Dani(dress on the side).

 Anyways I'm getting dressed in my bridesmaids dress and there is only two cause it's me and Dani(dress on the side)

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I do my hair and make-up. Maddie is here with me getting ready as well(her dress on the side).

After she dressed I  do her hair and make-up and I'm also doing Dani and Renee but I'm wanting for them to get here

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After she dressed I  do her hair and make-up and I'm also doing Dani and Renee but I'm wanting for them to get here. I wait for about 5 more minutes and they walk through the door. "Sorry Tabby the traffic was crazy but I'm here now" "ok Renee let's get you dressed and Dani go into the bathroom and get change as well. All of us got here early so I could make sure everything was in place and Louis is doing the same for the boys but of course Lou Teasdale is helping them. She offered to help me but I already know how Renee, Dani, and  Maddie like their hair and make-up so I polity declined but the boys are going to need help. I do Dani first cause she won't take as much time as Renee. Renee finally got change(wedding dress on the side).

 Renee finally got change(wedding dress on the side)

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