Chapter 35

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Tabby's p.o.v

Today me,Maddie,Niall, and Louis are going on a double date to the carnival and going to olive garden afterwards. But Niall and Louis made different reservations. Niall made one for me and him and Louis made one for Maddie and him. Me and Maddie are getting ready before the boys get here(My outfit on the side).

I get dressed and do my minimum make-up and I leave my natural down which is wavy

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I get dressed and do my minimum make-up and I leave my natural down which is wavy. Maddie is also getting ready (Maddie outfit on the side).

I also do her minimum make-up and leave her hair natural which is wavy

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I also do her minimum make-up and leave her hair natural which is wavy. We were ready in 30 minutes and they boys get here about 10 minutes later. "Niall" "princess" he picks me up and spins me around and kisses me and finally puts me back on the ground. "Awe y'all are to cute" Maddie said "thanks Madds let's go" we all get in my truck. I take driver's seat. Maddie takes passenger and Louis and Niall take the backseat. I change the station on the radio and 7 years by Lukas Graham came on. Of course I'm singing along after that song ends She Looks So Perfect by 5 seconds of summer cames on. Me and Maddie are belting that song out until we get to the carnival. I walk by Niall and he grabs my hand and intertwine our hands I turn and look at him and smile. We get to the entrance of the carnival. Niall pays for me and him. Louis pays for him and Maddie and they brought the all ride pass bracelet. "Maddie me and Niall are going to ride some rides we catch up with you guys here in a bit" "ok Tabs have fun" "you too" me and Niall headed off to go ride some rides.

Louis p.o.v

Me and Maddie are walking around and riding rides when we decided to take a break. "Hey Lou look" I turn my head to where Maddie was pointing it's Niall and Tabby. Tabby is getting a piggy back from Niall. I hear Tabby say "giddy horsey I wanna ride the Ferris Wheel" Niall just does a weird horse sound and starts walking to the Ferris wheel. Me and Maddie just start laughing "man my twin is weird" "yeah she is". "I still love her anyway" "same" we walk around some more "hey Lou" "yeah" "can I be serious with you for a moment?" " yeah was it babe" "ever since I met you, you have done nothing but put a smile on face my smile and I just want to say thank you" "you're welcome. Wanna piggy back ride to the entrance to go meet Tabby and Niall?" "Of course" she hops on and I walk to the entrance to found Niall and Tabby "hey lovebirds" "hey twin" "y'all ready to go eat" " yeah man I'm starving" classic Niall. "Twin you should give me a piggy back ride to the truck" "ok hop on" she gets on my back "giddy up swag master" "really Twin" "yes now go" I speed walk to the truck. Tabby gets off my back. "Thanks twin and gets into the drivers seat "weirdo" I said under my breath. "Lou I heard you and I know I'm a weirdo" I just laugh at her and then Niall and Maddie come walking up. I sneak up behind her lifted her up and spun her around. I sit get back on the ground "gosh Lou you freakin scared me" she hit me on the arm. I kiss her quickly on the lips and open the passenger side door for her. She gets in and thanks me and I get in backseat behind her. Tabby pulls out of parking lot. She drives about 20 minutes until she finally pulls into Olive Garden. We all get out and walk inside.

Maddie's p.o.v

"How may I help you?" "Reservation for Tomlinson" " follow me please" I follow closely behind Louis. We get to our table and sit down. A male waiter came over "what could I get you to drink?" He winks at me but I just ignored him "sweat tea for me Maddie?" "Coke please" "I'll be back with your drinks and then I'll take your orders and your phone number cutie" "eww gross" Louis just laughs "what babe? "Nothing but that waiter is going to make me mad and I'm going to have to bring out sassy Louis" "yas sassy Louis" we just burst out laughing. The waiter brought us our drinks "what can I get you to eat?" He's staring at me creeper. "I'll take a salad thanks Louis?" "I'll take some chicken". He walks away and when he brings our food and we finish our food. He comes back over "Is there anything else I can get you guys?" Louis spoke up. Oh no this is going to be funny "yeah for you to say hitting on my girlfriend. I know she beautiful but geez man back the hell off and I'll like the check please" man you should've seen the waiter face priceless!

Niall's p.o.v

After Lou and Maddie go to their table. They take me and Tabby to our table. "Hi I'm Ashley and I'll be your waitress tonight can I get you anything to drink?" "Dr.Pepper please Niall?" "I'll have a Coke please" "ok I'll be right back cutie" she winks at me and walks away. Tabby raise her eyebrow at me "seems the waiter likes you" "yeah but she isn't you" "awe Niall" the waitress brought us our drinks. "Can I take your food order?" "I'll have a salad and Niall will have the chicken and a salad" she walks away and gives Tabby a nasty look. "Can I punch her yet or at least go sassy on her" "no babe it won't help" "I will if she looks at again and winks" I just chuckle "Niall I'm serious I don't like her" "I don't either I Love You remember?" "Yeah and I love you too Nialler" the waitress brought us our food and me and Tabby sat and chatted. When we finished the Waitress came back over "is there else?" Tabby spoke up "yes for one you can stop hitting on my boyfriend I know he's gorgeous but he's mine and secondly back the hell off before I go kung fu panda on your ass and thirdly you can bring us the check thanks" she walks away "Tabby" "what? She had it coming" "yeah she did" we gather out things and we walk to the cash register and I pay and then Lou and Maddie walk over and Louis played "y'all ready? "Yeah"

Tabby's p.o.v

We went to get in the truck and Maddie decided she wanted to sit in the back with Lou. So Niall sit in the passenger seat. He intertwine our hands and kiss the back of my hand. We get back to my place and everybody gets out "Louis and Niall y'all can't stay tonight but we will see you guys tomorrow" "ok twin" "ok babe" Niall gave me a kiss goodnight and a hug and went and got into the vehicle him and Louis came in. Louis kissed Maddie goodbye and goes gets in the car and they leave. I unlock the door and Maddie and me go inside I shut the door and lock it. Me and Maddie change and clean the flat and start the laundry and we both were worn out. We went to bed and fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

I've updated!! This was the sassy Louis and Tabby chapter!! Tell me what you think! Don't forget to vote and comment!! Love u guys ❤❤

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