chapter 29

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Be forewarn this chapter is going be a dramatic scene.
                             Ed's p.o.v
I wake to my phone ringing and its the stage manager "hello" "hi Ed umm shouldn't u have been here for soundcheck 10 minutes ago?" "Oh shit I overslept I'll be there in 10" "OK see u soon" "tabby cmon we overslept" "u go ahead I'll meet u there later" "ok gtg bye" I gave her a peck on the lips and rush out to the car downstairs and we get the arena and I immediately start soundcheck I ran through the set list. Tabby finally arrive an hour after a finished soundcheck but she look uneasy about something "tabz u OK?" "I just have bad feeling about tonight is all" "oh well everything will be fine I promise" "I sure hope so"

     ********Concert time********

               Tabby's p.o.v

The concert was just about to start when a guy with a black hoodie was standing beside and I felt really uneasy about this guy a sorta keep my distance but not to where I could keep my eye on him. Later in the concert he was reaching for something and as soon as I seen it I yell "Ed duck" and he did and the bullet hit the screen behind him and I went to jump on the and he pull the trigger again and I jump on him and take away the gun and tied his hands behind his back and then I realize the bullet hit me in the leg close to one of my blood vessels and I started felling dizzing like I was going to faint. Last thing I heard was someone calling 911.

Is Tabby OK? She save Ed life and all of his fans!! Find out wat happens in the next chapter. Sorry that is a short chapter but I didn't know wat to write. Love u guys.


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