Chapter 22

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Ed's p.o.v

I woke up and check my phone. It's 9 o'clock. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom and do my business and wash my hands and brush my teeth. I wake in the kitchen and there is a note on the fridge "went to go get breakfast -Tabby❤. I got dressed and sit on the couch and turn on the tv. I'm thinking about taking Tabby to go see The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 2 tonight cuz it's in theatres. I heard the door unlock and Tabby walks in "Morning Teddybear" "Morning Tabz" "I went and got McDonald's and Starbucks coffee for breakfast" "alright let's eat then" she laughs at me and brings the food over and sits on the couch next to me "Tabby would u like to go to the movie's tonight?" "I would love to go with u" "alright" "I'm just worried that the paps r going to start the rumors again" "yeah but I've already confirmed that we r friends" "yeah I know sorry" "there's nothing to be sorry about love" "is it to late to be sorry" "really a Justin Bieber reference" "yep" she said popping the p. "U know u love it when I do that" "shush it" she just starts laughing. Her phone starts ringing she answers and puts it on speaker. She's talking to Liam "Hello" Tabby sings "Hello from the other side" Liam just starts laughing "Wats up Liam" "I was wondering if u and Ed wanted to grab some lunch later" "yeah sounds great" "alright I'll text u the address and be there at 2" "alright see ya" "bye" she hangs up. "R u having fun referencing song lyrics?" "Yes I am" I just laugh at her "ok weirdo" "I know but I can't help it" she shrugs her shoulders.

......... Later that day..........

Tabby's p.o.v

It's 1 o'clock and I'm getting ready for lunch with Liam and Ed but I'm not sure if anyone else is going to be there or not. Today it is warm here in London. So I put on blue jeans shorts with white starts on them, pink tank top that has a reference to Little Things, a white jean jacket, my sparkly black hoops, my sparkly white & black necklace and my pink converse shoes(outfit on the side). I brush and straighten my hair and put it in a ponytail. I grab my keys and put them around my neck and put my phone in my pocket. I go sit on the couch and wait for Ed. "u ready?" "yeah lets go" we arrive at the restaurant and all the guys r there. I sat by Louis and Ed. I speak up "do u guys want to go shopping after this?" I all agreed and we finished up lunch and head to the mall. All the guys looking around at things and I decided to go with Louis. "Louis u should give me a piggyback plz" "yeah sure hop on" "yay I love u twin" he laughs & says "love u too". So Louis is still giving me a piggy back ride and Louis finds a store and walks into it and I get off his back I'm looking around and Louis comes up behind and says "I'll be back got to go use the restroom" I nod. I'm looking at clothes waiting for Louis to get from the restroom when brunette girl that's about my age walks up to me. "hey bitch y don't u stay away from the boys and leave them alone" "for one I'm not a Bitch and for two I don't have to" "um u just did not talk to me that way slut" "I'm not slut and yes I do thank u very much" "okay if u r not a bitch and not a slut then u must be a whore" "I'm not whore either" "okay listen up bitch u better stay away from the guys or I'm going to make u wish u have" "um otay I'm not going to listen cuz I don't have to and u r not the boss of me" when I said that the brunette slap me across the face and punch me in the stomach a few times and turn away and walk away. I'm so done with all these people sending me hate and telling me to stay away from the guys. people was recording it I just walk away and out of the mall walk all the way to mine & Ed's flat unlock it grab my suitcase and pack a few days of clothes and I grab my phone charger and headphones. I also grab my bathroom things and my laptop and charger and put it in my suitcase. I walk out of the flat and lock the door and got a cab to the closest Hotel.

Louis's p.o.v

I went back to the store where Tabby was. I was looking around and she was nowhere to be found. I texted her but no reply and I tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail. I texted all the guys to see maybe she is with one of them and they all texted back the same answer "No". I texted them back saying "meet back up at the car" I walk up to the Range Rover and get in the passenger seat and wait for the guys. A few minutes later they all arrive back and get in. Liam gets in driver seat and starts the vehicle and heads back to Ed's flat. When we get there we all go inside and sit down and we all tried texting her and calling her repeatedly but the we got was voicemail. Ed ask "Louis what happen y wasn't Tabby with u?" "I had to go the restroom and was gone 5 minutes and I came back and she was gone" "so something happen during those 5 minutes but wat?" Liam asked. "I don't know but I'm worried about her" "we all r Louis" Ed said. I get up and walk into Tabby's room I see a suite case that missing her laptop & laptop charger, her phone charger and maybe like 3days worth of clothes missing. I walk into the bathroom and her shampoo and conditioner and body wash is gone. I open the drawer and see her hair brush and toothbrush and her straighter is gone. I think Tabby went left and went somewhere for a few days but where??

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