Chapter 16

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2 weeks later

Renee's p.o.v

So me and Zayn have been going out 2 weeks now and it feels amazing. I have been staying at his flat in London. He is still sleeping so I'm going to cook some breakfast for us. I just finish cooking and Zayn just woke up "Morning babe" "Morning" we eat and we are supposed to met up with the guys later cause if Tabby gets doctor approval we all r going to the amusement park. "Hey babe" "yes babe" "would u like to move in and live here with me?" "I would love to cuz when u guys go on tour I would have Tabby to hang out with" "ok babe well we have to go back to ur old place and get all ur stuff and ship it out here" "ok we can do that in a few days". So we are watching TV on the couch just cuddling.

Tabby's p.o.v

So today I have to go get my 2 weeks check up and I'm getting ready right now. "Hey teddybear" "yeah Tabz" "Will u come with me to the hospital?" "Yeah I will" "thanks teddybear" "ur welcome". So we are on my way to the hospital and when get there we walk in and I walk to the desk and say "hi I have a check-up and I need to know where to go" "name plz" "Tabitha Sharp" "yes go to the exam room 1 and the doctor will be there in a few minutes" "otay thanks". So we walk into the exam and the doctor comes in. "Hello Tabby" "hello doc" so he does the check-upv and says "well everything looks good and u healed really well so u release to do whatever u want" "thanks doc"

Ed's p.o.v

Well Tabby is fully healed so tonight we r taking her to the amusement park but she doesn't know tho. So I texted everyone to let them know and that we r going around 7 but we r meeting at a restaurant for dinner before we go. So after we get home and watch TV and I order us some pizza for lunch. It's around 5 o'clock so I better tell Tabby to go to get ready. "Hey Tabz" she fell asleep on me. "Hmm" "it's 5 o'clock and we r going out in a hour to go eat dinner so u need to go get ready" "otay" she gets up and she walks in the guest bedroom and then grabs some clothes and walks off to the bathroom and I just chuckle at her. After she finishes showering I go and take one as well and at 5:45 we leave the flat and head to the restaurant. After about 10 minutes we arrive at the restaurant. After about 5 minutes we get seat at a really big table. "Ed y r we sitting at a really big table if it's me & u?" "Umm u will see" after i said that Louis walk through the door. "Louis"she yelled "Tabby" he yelled back. They run up to each other and hug each other. "Where is my hug" she turn to see Renee "Renee" she hug her too. Then she hugs Zayn,Harry,Liam, and Niall. "U hug everyone but me Tabz" "Cuz I'm mad at u" she turned back towards me but I was smirking. "Y wat did I do" "u didn't tell me that we r meeting everyone here for dinner" "oh c'mon Tabz" "nope" popping the p. She goes sit on Louis lap and put her face in his shoulder. I walk over to Louis but she crawled under the table before i got there. "Really Tabby" "yep" popping the p . she crawled out from under the table and went to stand but she hit my chest and fall. She looks up and see me there.i helped her up and she gave me a hug and then took my phone. She is very hiper if u can't tell. "Tabby give me back my phone" "u gonna catch me first" I started running she ran out of the restaurant and hide behind the side of the building. I walked over and trapped her. I was still trying to get my phone still. Finally she gives it to me and we didn't move from this spot we were staring into each other eyes. I leant down finally connecting the space between us she kissed back immediately and we both pulled away breathless. "We should probably go inside teddybear" "yeah we should" we walk back inside and sit down and ate our food. About 10 minutes to we head to the amusement park. We all play games and Ride rides to about 11 o'clock and we decide to leave. After we get dropped off at the flat. I unlock the door and we walk inside and i lock it back. "Thanks for tonight teddybear" "ur welcome Tabz" we get ready for bed and go to bed. "Night Teddybear" "night Tabz". Had a good day today my friends r amazing.

Hope u like it?. Sorry updated in a few been busy. But got a new phone yay!!.



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