Chapter 17

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Tabby's p.o.v

So yesterday was fun. I can't believe me and teddybear(Ed) kiss and it was amazing. I felt fireworks inside of me. Ed knows that I'm not ready for relationship just yet and he can understand that. We r going to the guys flat and me and Renee r going shopping and spending the day together. Later today I'm going home to pack my things and going to fly back to London with everything which isn't every much maybe 2 duffle bags and a large suitcase plus my backpack purse which I can take on the plane with me. I'm going to be so tired and worn out.

Renee's p.o.v

I love it here in London and living with Zayn. We been living together for awhile now and I'm waiting on Ed and Tabby to get here so we can go shopping while the guys have the guy time. Zayn is taking me out on a date tonight so I need a new outfit. "Hey babe" "yes babe" "can I have 50 dollars to go shopping with" "yeah hold up a sec" he walks out from the bedroom with 200 dollars and hands it to me "umm babe I only need 50" "nope I'm giving u 200 so u can buy whatever u want" "awe thanks babe" "Ur welcome love". He spoils me to much. We walk to Harry's and Lou's flat and before we go inside he stops and looks at me in the eyes "I love u Renee" I was stocked but said "I love u 2 Zayn" he kissed me and we walked inside. After the shopping trip we get the boys for lunch and we all eat and we all go Ur separate ways. I can't wait for tonight.

Tabby's p.o.v

So when we get back to the flat I go sit the bags on my bed and then go get ready to go to the airport so I can go home and get my things. "Hey Tabz" "yeah teddybear" "I bought 2 tickets Cuz I'm going with u to get all of their things and if I go we can get it done faster" "otay" yay I was hoping he would come Cuz I have some boxes on the top of my closet I'm going to need help getting. Oh Dani already move she move to a friend's house Cuz I call on my Aunt and they took Dani away but they let me choose where she goes and everything. Do we get to the airport and then go through security system and board the plane and after we land we rent a car and drive to my aunt's house and hopefully she not home not she is. OH GREAT.

Ooooooo Wats going to happen?? U found out in the next chapter... Sorry about the short chapter

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