Chapter 27

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                 Tabby's p.o.v

So today me and Ed r going to the boys concert tonight cuz it's Ed's day off and he is going to go on stage with the boys to sing little things. Omg fangirl moment  still have them. Then tomorrow Ed is hanging out with Justin Bieber and Justin wants Ed to bring me along cuz he has heard a lot about me I don't know if that's good or bad but I'm excited. I think I'll wear my favorite JB shirt and some jeans I don't know yet. I'm supposed to be getting ready to go and meet the boys at the arena for soundcheck. I get dressed for the day. I decided a teal dress with a white jean jacket and white wedges(Pic to the side).

 I decided a teal dress with a white jean jacket and white wedges(Pic to the side)

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I walk into the living area when Ed is waiting for me. He looks up from his phone and saids "wow babe u look gorgeous like absolutely stunning" "Thanks u don't look to bad urself" "yeah but not as good as u" "I beg to differ" "well we need to get going and meet the boys" "otay let's go I grab my purse and we head out to the car that's picking us out. I put my sunglasses on and get into the car with Ed "see even rocking them shades Tabz" we r in public so he can't call me baby or babe sad face:( we head to the arena we they have us go backstage but I get lost and end up on the stage I see a microphone and it's on it's Louis I can tell by the tape on the microphone.  I put the mic on the mic stand and grab the guitar on stage and start playing the song Gotta Be You by One Direction of course and sing along. I didn't even realize that there people in the room at all. I just sang along with then someone chime in. Liam he started singing the second verse and the Harry chime in and then Niall at the chorus and then Louis got a back up mic and chime in and then Zayn finally chime in. It was the chorus after the bridge where is just Harry but the other boys saying hey hey hey but I was quiet and listening to harry getting ready for the big high note and me & Harry both hit the high note right on target and come down for it at the same time too and we finally finish the song. "Great job Tabby" "thanks guys, I kinda got lost and then landed up here and then I found a microphone which I can tell by the tape color it's Louis and then I found the guitar so I started playing and singing and then u guys chime in so" "we were all still getting ready so that y we chime in at different places" "yeah I figured I also heard that Zayn is always the last to be ready" "it's true" I just start laughing "Zayn don't u know u take longer than to get ready and I'm a girl?" "Wait what?" "I can be ready like 30 minutes before u ever r" "that's not true" "yes it is I take like 10-15 minutes max to get dressed" "seriously?" Ed chimes in "yes it's true sometime she even really within 5 minutes but it depends what day tho" "wow" I just nod my head. Louis speaks up "anyways changing the subject look at u, u r one hot mama" I just laugh "thanks twin come take a selfies with me" he walks over and we take a selfies and then Liam comes over so it's just us two but Louis joins back in and then Niall & Harry finally Zayn & Ed join in and then we have someone take a group picture and then an individual picture with Ed & Louis and then a picture of Ed and Louis with me in between cuz the others went to grab a snack from the food table. The person which I got his name which is Paul have me my phone back "so u must be Tabby? The girl who these boys won't shut up about especially Louis he calls u twin?" "Yeah he does and he calls me twin cuz we act so much a like and yeah I'm Tabby" "nice to meet me I can finally put a face to the name" "nice to meet u to Paul". I just sit out in the arena and watch the boys rehearse and get ready for tonight. We all hangout and grab some lunch but I don't eat not really that hungry.

                  Concert Time

The boys just went out on stage and I watch from backstage they were pretty funny to watch but I started feeling lightheaded and dizzying which I know is not good. Paul seen me and walk over to me "u ok u don't look so good" "yeah I'm good" "u sure?" "Yeah" I keep watching Ed walks out on stage for the song little things and everybody started screaming and was singing with along with the boys and I felt like I was going to faint so I was trying to a chair to sit down in but couldn't found one so I walk back to where I was and lean up against the wall and slid down against the wall. I know I'm feeling this I'm having an asthma attack I don't get them very much but I'm trying to catch my breath. Paul run over and ask again "r u okay?" I just shake my head no cuz I can't talk. Ed return from off the stage and saw me and run over "Paul wat happen?" "I don't know Ed she having troube breathing and can't talk because of it" "I've seen her do this so I don't know what to do" I pointed to my phone and Ed handed it to me I typed in my phone Louis does Ed looks at Paul "we have to get Louis out here" "he is on stage" I started closing my eyes "No Tabby don't close your eyes Paul plz?" "Fine all go get him" Paul walks out on stage and walks over to Louis and whispers in his ear. I hear him say in his microphone "sorry guy there is a emergency backstage I'll be back out after I take care of it" I walks off with Paul and walks over to me "wats wrong "we don't know but she said u know have to deal with it" he looks at me "asthma attack" I nod my head yes. He sits down and starts rocking me and singing softly until I slow my breathing. "U good now?" "Yeah thanks" "well see u after the show" "ok" "I didn't know u have asthma attacks" "yeah only when I have a bad nightmare or see something that reminds of my past or if I think about my past" "oh well I know how to deal with them now" "yeah". We watch the last of the concert and then all of us go out for a late dinner "Lou y did u have to go off stage for a song?" Liam ask "because Tabby was having an asthma attack" they all look at me i have barely touch my food. "Tabby y u not eating?" "Not that hungry" "u haven't eaten all day u need to eat" "fine I'll eat my fries" "no u r going to eat all ur fries and at least half ur burger" I sigh "fine" so I eat so I'm told and then we head back to the tour buses and say our goodbyes and I go into the bus take a shower and go to bed.

Yaya I finally finished.hope u enjoyed it!!!


-Love ya wattpad readers

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