Chapter 26

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Tabby's p.o.v

Today is the day that the boys and Ed and I all go on tour. I'm all pack. I get dress in black skinny jeans and my Lion King shirt and white Vans. I finished gathering everything up. Ed is already finished and sitting on the couch waiting for me. After I finish we go meet the boys cuz we all got to go to the same place to get on the tour buses. We get to the place where the tour buses r waiting for all of us but first we say ur goodbye. As soon as Louis sees me he says "Damn Tabby wat is with u and them white Vans" I can't help but laugh "u know since u bought me some vans I decided to wear a pair today" "see she loves me" I just shake my head at him. We all say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.

A Week Into The Tour

Ed's p.o.v

Touring had been amazing especially with Tabby here with me. I just got finished doing soundcheck and Tabby out on the bus cuz she wanted to stay there while I did soundcheck and she said "come get me after soundcheck" so that's wat I'm doing. I open the bus door and I hear the Watch Me by Silentó. So I walk slowly and quietly to where the music is playing and I come to find Tabby doing the whip and nae nae. Never expect that but she is a good dancer. I back up too hide myself cuz she is playing the song over and I pull out my phone and record her doing the whole song. I put my phone away and walk in like I just got there "hey Tabz I'm done with soundcheck" "hey teddybear" "so wat have u been up to?" "Oh nothing really just listening to music and chillin" "oh ok r u going to wear that to the concert tonight or r u going to change?" "I'm going to change but I need to shower first" "well grab ur clothes and stuff and u can come shower in my dressing room" "otay" she grabs everything she needs and we head to the arena. We have security cover us so no one would see us and no one did. I just sit on the couch in the dressing while Tabby was showering and getting ready for tonight concert. I'm debating whether to send the video to the boys or not. I finally decided to send the video to Tabby and say "love the dancing u r really good babe❤" I heard her phone go off and I just smile to myself. Tabby just finished getting ready and she came to sit beside me but I pulled her into my lap. "U know no one knows we r dating expect us teddybear" "yeah I know babe but I just wanted u to sit in my lap for a few minutes before they came to take me away to do my hair and have to change for the concert" "awe how sweet" I kiss her and she gets off my lap as soon as she sits next to me with a little bit of distance the stage manager walks in "cmon Ed have u get u ready for tonight" I stand up "see u after the concert teddy bear" "ok Tabz" I walk out of the dressing room and go get everything done and then it's time to go on stage. I walk out onto stage and start playing Sing. Then I end with the song Thinking Out Loud. The whole time I was thinking about Tabby and how I ask her to be my girlfriend. After I finished I walk off stage to be greeted by Tabby "great concert teddybear" "thanks Tabz. Let's go grab our stuff so we can get out of here" "I already did so u could leave and go shower on the tour bus" "ok then let's go" security lead us out I put my arm around Tabby shoulders in protective way but a friendly way so the paps don't say anything and of course they do but we just go and get on the bus and the driver pulls away. I go take a quick shower and put on some sweats and a shirt. I came into the living room but didn't see Tabby so I went into the bedroom and see that she is laying on the bed talking on the phone. "Hey Tabz" she jumps I start laughing "gosh Ed u scared me" "sorry" "yes Hunter no Hunter otay Hunter I'm going to let u go Hunter I'll talk to u later" before she hung up the phone I take it and walk out of the room to talk to him about something "Hey Hunter it's Ed" "Hey Ed" "I need to talk u something" "go ahead" "did u know Tabby could dance" "actually no I didn't. I didn't even know she could sing cuz she never sung around me" "oh well she can I have a video of her dancing want the video?" "Oh yes cuz then I could tease her" I chuckle "well I'm going to need ur number" "just give me urs and I'll text u so u will have mine" I give him my number "alright well I gtg gotta get some sleep" "well u have a goodnight" "u 2 Ed" "bye" "bye" I walk back into the bedroom and toss Tabby her phone back. Hunter just texted me so I texted him the video and I also texted it to Louis. "Hey teddybear" "yeah babe" "when did u take this video" "umm this afternoon" "seriously?" "Yeah I hide so u didn't see me and I was quiet to" "I hate u" "y cuz ik u can dance now" "yes" "well don't feel bad cuz I can't dance" "yes u can well u had to learn to when u made the Thinking Out Loud video" "true" she lays her head on my chest and we lay like that for awhile just watching TV but there was nothing on so Tabby put in a movie and cuddle into me and I just held her tight. She drifts off to sleep and so do I not to long after.

The Next Morning

Tabby's p.o.v

I wake up and look up to see Ed still sleeping so I carefully untangled myself from Ed and go use the restroom. I walk into the kitchen and look in the cabinets for something to eat but there was nothing that I wanted so I walk back into bedroom and grab my clothes and go take a shower and get dressed for the day. I grab my phone and walk into the living room area and turn on the TV. I look at my phone for the first time since I got up and I had 2 new messages. One from Lou and one from Hunter.

From: Lou: Hey twin man didn't know u could dance but don't worry i didn't show the other boys the video. Am I going to learn something new about u everyday? Love u twin. Text me back when u read this"

To: Lou: Hey I'm guessing Ed sent u the video I'll get him back later and thanks!! Maybe u will learn something new about me everyday cuz I'm a wierdo. Love u too. Miss u twin :(

From: Hunter: hey Ed sent me that video of u dancing. Y didn't u tell u could dance?

To: Hunter: u never ask lol.

I'm so going to get Ed back after he wakes up. After about an hour just looking with my phone at Facebook, instagram, snapchat, and Twitter I get a phone call from Lou. "Hey Lou" "Hey Twin wats up?" "Sitting in the front room hungry but nothing here I want wat u up to?" "Fixing to go on stage BTW the boys want to say hi" I hear really loud screams saying Hi Tabby we love u" "Louis tell u did not call while on stage" "sorry but I did" "well hi everyone and I love u guys too and Louis I'll get u back just wait gtg bye" "bye twin" Ed come sit by me and pull me into his lap "well good morning sleepy head" "morning babe" "I'm going to hurt Louis" "y?" "He called while on stage" "really?" "Yeah but don't worry I'll get him back good" "oh no u sound Evil" I just start laughing "so I know u sent the video to Louis & Hunter" "umm yeah I did u look so sexy dancing so I share it with them" I blush "I'm going to have to get u back u know that right?" "No but I do now" I start laughing again we just chat finally we stop at the next stop and get something to eat. "Wat do u want to eat babe?" "Whatever u want" "ok" Ed gets us some food. Dont worry I'll save my revenge for when we r in the dressing room. So we just hang out at the hotel til it was time for soundcheck and then Ed had to go for a interview before the concert and I stay at the venue until he gets back but I turn on the TV to watch his interview. Oh if u r wondering what my revenge is. I hide his phone from him cuz he left it here. So I just watch the interview but then my name comes up. "So Ed Who is this Tabby chick u have been seen with?" "She is just my best friend and she come on tour with me" "well there u guys have it Ed is still single" Me & Ed know he is not but the World don't need to know that. Ed gets back and he asks right away "hey Tabz have u seen my phone?" "No I haven't I thought u took it with u" "no I run off and forget and it was in here" "well I haven't seen it" "hey r u mad or upset with me?" "About wat u said in the interview?" "Yeah" "oh no I'm not ik it's ur job to say that" "ok making sure" I just smile at him "how long til they came and get u to get dressed?" "Wat time is it?" I look at my phone "it's 5 o'clock" "not for another hour maybe an hour and a half" "otay." I go give him a hug and put his phone in his pocket but he didn't notice. He has his background picture as me and him when he took him on that date and I got dressed up. It's sweet cuz I have the same background. We go sit on the couch "Have u tried looking in ur pockets for ur phone?" "Yeah I did" "Try looking again" he felt in his pockets and found his phone but wat he doesn't know is that I change his lock screen to a pic of me haha. I sent him a text saying I hide ur phone from u and change ur lock screen haha. I'm evil. "Tabby" "yes teddy bear" "y did u hide my phone from me?" "Cuz I told u earlier today that I would get u back and btw I like ur background pic" "I like my new lock screen too so I'm going to keep it" "otay" we just hangout til he has to Go get ready to the concert and then after the concert we go get on the tour bus and get ready to go to bed cuz we were both tired but I still have to get Louis back but I will cuz I go see them in concert in a few days me and Ed both do. Me and Ed go get into Bed and I put on Scooby-Doo and we cuddle and drift off to sleep.

Hope u like the chapter. Sorry it's been so long had writers block but finally finished yay!



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