Chapter 2

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Danielle p.o.v

My sister Tabby just woke me up. She said "Come on get up sleepy head, I'm taking you to Taco Bell for your b-day lunch". She also said "Get up and get dressed cause after lunch , I'm taking you to the mall to shop for a new outfit for tonight. Plus I have to get me one anyway". On your to Taco Bell, I turn on the radio and my favorite song by Hunter Hayes was on. I'm singing along when we pull into Taco Bell and my sister turns off the car and saids "Here I have a present for you". She hands me the gift and I open it and scream.

Tabby p.o.v

I hand Dani the gift I got her for her birthday. After she gets it and opens it, she screams. I got her 2 front row tickets and back stage passes for One Direction. She loves Hunter Hayes and One Direction. Me and her are going to the One Direction concert tomorrow night and before the concert we are to meet them in person. My favorite is Niall Horan and Dani's favorite is Zayn Malik. After we eat we go to the mall to get outfits for tonight and tomorrow night. So we are picking out our outfits for clubbing tonight and I get a knee length red dress with black heels and Dani gets a knee length white dress with sliver heels. For meeting with one direction I get faded skinny jeans with a baby blue T-shirt and black converse. Dani got black skinny jeans and a purple T-shirt and purple converse. After we were done shopping at the mall, we go home and I tell Dani "I'll be back by 5:30 to get ready" and she said "ok".

After that I leave to go get Hunter from the hotel and take him to the club where he will be performing at for Dani's surpise. After I get to the hotel I walk in and go to the front desk and ask for Hunter Hayes room but the front desk wouldn't give it to me, so I call Hunter to ask him and he said he will call the front desk and tell them to let me know what room he is in. After they tell me and I go into the elevator the doors are about to close 5 boys said "hold the elevator please". So I put my hand so that they opened so they can get on the elevator. After the elevator door close they all said "thank you" and I said "your welcome". I got curious and ask "are you guys One Direction" and one of them said "Yes we are and how did you know" and I said "I heard the british in his voice and pointed at Harry. I also said " I heard the Irish in your voice". And he said "oh ok, so do you know who is who"? I said "yes I do, you're Niall, you're Harry, you're Louis, you're Zayn, and you're Laim". They all look at me amazed. They ask my name and I said " Tabby it's short for Tabitha. Then the elevator ding at the 6th floor and I get off to find Hunter door. I find it and knock on it. He comes to the door and opens it to find me.

Hunter's P.o.v

I open the hotel door to find my best friend Tabby. She saids "are you going to stand there or hug me". So I hug her and say "long time no see". She just laughs at me and she saids "yeah, so are you ready to go"? And I said "yep I am, let's go". So we head down to the lobby and out to the vehicle. We talk until we get to the club and she walks in with me to talk to someone I guess the manager of the club. After she done talking she comes over and says "I have to go home and get ready for tonight so I will see you later tonight at the party". So I said "ok see you later".

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