Chapter 20

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A Couple Days Later......

Tabby's p.o.v

So Teddy decided to take me out to dinner tonight at a nice restaurant but he won't say where just that he will pick me up from Lou's and Harry's flat at 6. Today I've been hanging out at Louis and Harry's flat almost all day. I went shopping before I came here but Lou made me take money from him when I got here cuz I don't need to buy anything with my money. What he doesn't know is that I stuck the money he gave me in his sock draw. I will let him think I took it. These boys spend to much on me already especially Ed,Louis & Liam r the worst about it. I can hear Lou talking to someone and it sounds like they r arguing. Harry is not here he is hanging out with some of the others boys. "She is just friend" "No I don't like her like that" "seriously I can't do this right now" "yes she is here and no she is just a best friend and she is like a girl version of me" "bye" is he talking about me? Ooh he must have been talking to his baby mama and she must have saw the picture of me and Lou in the magazines with a head title that said "Does Louis Tomlinson have a new love interest?" It was stupid. Me and Lou was reading the article before he got that call. We were laughing at the article. How do they even come up with this stuff. "Hey love" "Hey Twin u alright" "yeah she has asking a bunch of questions about the article and u" "yeah I put 2 and 2 together and figured it out" "otay well it's 4:30 so u probably should start getting ready" "thanks" yeah Louis bought some shampoo and conditioner and body wash before I even came here so if I ever need to take a shower and I have clothes here too. Louis hasn't even seen my outfit for tonight yet. I go into the bathroom and shut the door and locked it and got into the shower. I started singing the song Perfect by One Direction and then Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran before I was done. I got out and put a T-shirt and sweats on and unlocked the door and walk into the front room. "Ur not wearing that r u?" I laugh and said "no Lou I'm not getting dress til it's gets closer to 6" "otay". Me & Lou watch tv til I got up to brush and straighten my hair. I put on some white eye shadow and some lip gloss. By the time I did all that it's 5:30. I walk into Louis bedroom and walk over to the shopping bags and pull out the dress and put it on and zip it halfway up I'll have Louis zip it up the rest of the way but first I'm going to finished getting ready. Next I put the pantyhose and then my boots. I put on my necklace and earrings and rebrush my hair.(outfit on the side). I walk out and hollor at Lou "Lou where u at?" "In the kitchen Love" it sounds he is talking to someone else. I listen a lil bit closer to the voice it's Liam. "Hi Liam" "How do u know it's me?" "I figured it out and u just gave it anyway by talking" I hear Louis laugh "Ok miss sassy" I smile and walk back into Louis room. "Hey twin can u come to ur room real quick" "yeah coming" I hear footsteps and then Louis came into the room "look at my beautiful twin" I started blushing and look at my feet. "Can u finish zipping up my dress please?" "Yeah" he walks over and zips it up. "Thank u" "welcome" he walks out I look at my phone and it's 5 minutes til 6. Louis walks back in "hey all the boy's r here expect Ed Cuz he had to run to the flat real quick and he will be back and all the boys wants to see ur outfit before he gets back" "how do I know ur not lieing?" "Y would I lie to u?" He has a point. "Otay let me grab my purse" I grab my purse and Lou hooks r arms and we walk into the front room. "Hey Harry,Niall,and Zayn" Liam said "u r not going to say hi to me "no Cuz I already did" everyone started laughing. Louis said "I want a picture with u all dressed up" "fine" he hands his phone to Liam and Liam takes it "My turn" Liam walks up and put his arm around my waist and Louis take a picture. So I took a picture with each individual boy and there was a knock at the door Lou whispers in my ear "go wait in the hallway and I'll come get u in a minute" I nod and walk into the hallway. I heard Ed's voice and Liam and Louis voice and Louis saying "I'll go get her" I heard his footsteps and he walks behind the wall and says "have fun tonight u deserve it" "thanks twin" we link arms and skip into the front room. "Hey Teddybear" "hey u look beautiful" "thanks Teddy" I have Ed take a picture on my phone of me and all the guys and then I have Louis take one of me and Ed. Louis has takes one of me by myself. "U guys better send me those and I'll send u the one of all of us" they all nod. Me and Ed walk out of Harry's and Louis's flat and get in the vehicle and Ed starts it up and I plug my phone into the audio cord "r u always going to do that when we get into the vehicle?" "Yes and u can deal with it" he just laughs and I put on Moments by One Direction. I'm singing to it and that song finished and then photograph came on Ed looks at me and smiles "wat?" "Nothing it's cute when ur singing to ur favourite songs" I blush and look out the window and continue to sing along and then it changed to Over Again by One Direction. "U look incredible beautiful tonight" I blushed "u don't look to bad urself handsome" he just chuckles at me and we pull into the restaurant. We park and get out and we walk inside ignoring the paps. They got pictures of us we ate and chated and Thinking Out Loud starting playing at the restaurant and I starting singing along and I had people staring but they were listening and enjoying my singing and Ed is cording me and after the songs goes off everybody clapping and some whistling for me. After about 30 more minutes we left and went to go see Hotel Transylvania 2. After the movie we went back to the flat and I changed into my pjs and we cuddle on the couch while watching Divergent cuz Ed has never seen it. I cuddle closer to Ed cuz I was getting tired and cold he wraps both arms around me and kisses my forehead and I lift my head up to look at him he smiles and leans down to kiss me and I feel butterflies in my stomach and we pull away and I snuggle back into him and fall asleep.
I wake up the next morning and I'm in my bed. Ed must've have carry me to the bed after I fell asleep. I look at my phone and I had 2 missed calls and 3 different text messages from Louis.

From: Lou: R u awake yet?

From: Lou: r u awake yet I really need to talk to u

From: Lou: call me when u wake up

Just then my phones goes *Beep Beep* telling me I had a text message

From: Lou: r u awake twin? I really really need to talk to u"

To: Lou: yes I'm awake everything otay?"

From: Lou: I'll tell u later. Be ready in 10 minutes I'm coming to pick u up.

To: Lou: otay

I get dressed in blue jeans and a black t-shirt and I pull my white hoodie that has Louis verse from little things on it. I pull on my blue converse and brush my hair. Grab my phone, keys and sunglasses and wrote a note for Ed when I heard a car horn outside. I lock the door back and slip on my shades and got into vehicle with Louis. "Everything otay twin?" "No" " y don't u let me drive Lou?" "Otay" so he pulls over and we which sides and I start driving. "Wats going on?" I ask "drive to the park and then we will talk" I sigh and drive to the park and I park the vehicle and we walk and sit under a big tree. "Will u tell me now?" He hands me a magazine with a picture of me & Ed from last night with a headline "Louis Tomlinson girl cheated on him with Ed Sheeran" I read the article man I was pissed them saying that I cheated on Louis with Ed. I got up and starting walking and through the magazine away. Walk all the way back the vehicle and got in the passenger seat I heard the door open and Louis got in and started the vehicle and drove me back to mine & Ed's flat and parks the car "Love the hoodie by the way" I smile at him but I was still really pissed but I was hiding it "thanks I just threw it on" "well I'd probably should get going" "yeah bye Twin" "bye" "I'll text u" "okay I'll text u when I get home" "otay". I walk in the flat and see Ed on the couch "hey teddybear" "hey" "I'll be in my room if u need me" he justs nods I walk into my room and sit on my bed and turn the TV on and they r now saying I'm cheating on both of them with each other cuz they snapped pictures of me & Louis at the park talking. It just pissed off even more I started pacing trying to calm down but the more I heard about it the madder I got. So I punched the wall with all the force I had and man does my hand hurt now. Well at least I feel better now.

Ed's p.o.v

I heard a big bang I jump up and run to Tabby's room and open the door to see her holding her hand "wat happen?" "Just hit my fit against the wall and I think I broke it" "Tabz y did u do that?" "Cuz I was mad" "y was u mad?" "Do u hear or see what the r saying about me?" "No" "sit down and watch then". I sit down watch and they r saying Tabby is cheating on me & Lou and she not even dating either of us. I know she likes me more than a friend but Lou is her Twin & one of her best friends. "U know that none of that is true" "yeah I know but they r saying I'm a cheater when I'm not" "I know love it sucks but let me take u to go get that hand check out & then all of us guys & girls will go out to lunch together sound good?" She nods and grabs her phone and we walk out to the vehicle and get in and I take her to go get her hand check out. While we waiting I texted all the guys and ask them and they all said yes and I told Zayn & Niall to bring their gf too. The doctor came in and said she broke her hand. They put in a Purple cast and have her a script for pain meds and we left and went to meet everyone at the restaurant for lunch. When we get there everyone was asking wat happen so she told him the story and there is paps outside so me & Lou decided to clear it up. Tabby was walking beside me & Lou. The paps was asking who she is dating and if she is cheating on both of us. Lou answered "Tabby is my best mate and nothing more" I said "Tabby is nothing more than a Best mate to me too" we walk to the vehicle and Tabby saids "thanks guys" "ur welcome love" "ur welcome twin". We went home and watch some movies and hang out for the rest of the day.

Well hope u guys like it!! U guys r awesome!!



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