Chapter 30

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Louis p.o.v

We are having a day off today and I get a call from Ed. Doesn't he have a concert going on? I think to myself I answer the phone "Hello" "oh thank god u answer Tabby is on her way to the hospital" "what why?" "She got shot saving mine and all the fans in the venue lifes" "oh my god" I started getting teary eye "what hospital Ed?" He tells me what hospital "I will meet you there after I talk to the police to give them my side of the story" "ok Ed" I'm almost in tears at this point and Niall notice "Lou what's wrong?" "I will tell you soon just get the boys and get in the vehicle NOW" "ok" I go down the vehicle and walk over to Paul "hey Paul I need you to drive us an hour to the hospital" "why?" "The boys don't know yet or Renee but Tabby got shot so please just take us" "ok get in" I'm in tears at this point I'm hoping she is ok. She is my twin and best friend. Everyone is the vehicle confused on what's going on . "Lou will you please tell us what's going on?" Liam asks "if I do then you will be in state I'm in but check your phones" they all check their phones but the article they got is just saying there was a shooting at Ed concert but it don't say who the one person that got hurt. "Is Ed ok?" Harry ask "yes it wasn't him" "Niall figured it out and staring crying which me cry more "it's Tabby isn't it" "yes Niall it is she save everyones life in the venue" Renee, Niall, and me are crying hard at this point. Paul says "we here" I was sitting in the front seat so I jump out the vehicle and ran inside leaving everyone behind "May I help you" the nurse behind the desk ask "yes I'm here for someone she came in an hour ago with a gun shot wound" "you must mean Tabitha Sharp" "Yes it's Tabby for short" "she still in surgery wait in the waiting room for the doctor to come update you" "thank you" I walk over to the waiting and spot Ed and looks like he has been crying and then Paul and everyone else came through the doors. We wait for another 30 minutes until the doctor come out and called "Sharp" I got up and walk over to the doctor "Tabitha?" "Yes surgery went fine we got the bullet out she lost a lot of blood but we are giving her more she going to be in here for 2 weeks to recover and she should be waking up soon but only one at time please" "thanks doctor" I walk back over to the group and told them what the doctor told me so we decide that I should see her first. I walk to her room and open it. I walk in and and she turns her head and looks at me. I give her a small smile. "Lou" "yeah Tabby" "leave please" I was shocked "what?" "You heard me leave" "but why?" "Cause I don't want to see you or the boys or Ed again so leave and send Renee" "ok I will leave" I walk back to the group "Louis what happen?" Renee ask "she doesn't want to see me, Ed, or the boys again but she asking for you"  "What?" "Yeah just go so we can head back" Renee walk away. After about 30 minutes Renee comes back and saids "let's go" "babe?" "I said let's go" we leave and we take Ed back his tour bus and we head back to the hotel where we are staying at till tomorrow.

Tabby's p.o.v

So I kick all the boys out of my life for now cause all that's happen is me get hurt but I'm still talking to Renee and Hunter but not Niall, Ed, Louis ,Harry, Liam, or Zayn. I'm going to miss them like hell but after I am heal. I'm going to go pack my stuff and found my own place right outside of London so I can still be close enough to Renee.

*** 2 weeks later after Tabby is healed and home and safe to move***

Since I got out of the hospital I've been packing and I had to change my number to get the boys to stop calling or texting me but I gave it to Renee. I finally had my truck sent over to London I'm still confused on how they do that but anyways I'm just finish loading the last box into my truck. I drive to my new place and starting getting unpack. A few hours into packing I get a call from Renee so I answer it "hi" "guess what?" "What?" "Zayn propose" "oh my gosh that great" "wedding is in 6 months and I want you to be my maid of honor" "oh my gosh Renee really? I would to but Renee please don't say anything to the boys" "great I'm going to come visit you in a couple weeks and I won't I promise" "ok I look forward to it but I have to go so bye Renee" "bye" we hang up and I'm excited for Zayn and Renee I am but I'm not so excited to see the guys again Louis Niall and Ed. I broke up with Ed and what I did to Louis that night of me getting shot and I miss Niall like crazy and I'm still in love with him I don't know what's going to happen. I've never deleted Louis number but I did everyone else I think I hurt Louis the most that night I scanned over his name and number for the longest time and finally got enough courage to hit the call button "hello who this?" "Louis" I said in a soft voice. My voice barely audible "Yes this is Louis but may ask who calling?" I started to cry just hearing Louis voice cause I miss him and his goofy ass self. I hung up I probably shouldn't have done that cause he is calling back so I ignore it so I received a voicemail I open it to listen to it and Louis said "I don't know who you are but please next time instead of hanging up answer my question before you do thanks" I burst out in tears god I miss my twin. A couple hours I decided to text Louis this: Hi Louis if you have a day off from tour in the next few days come to this address (insert a address) and I'll tell you who I am :). I sent the message and a few minutes later I received one back saying: I have a week off in a couple days I'll be in London so I'll stop by. :)
What did I just do?

Renee's p.o.v

So this evening me and Zayn are going to a Italian restaurant and afterwards going on a walk beside the bleach. Me and Zayn have been strong ever since we got together. I'm ready to go but I'm waiting on Zayn to finish getting ready he almost ready he just fixing his hair. "Ready babe?" I nod and we leave the tour bus and get into the black SUV they drive us to the restaurant and drop us off saying they would pick us up at 9 o'clock by the bleach entrance. We get seat in the back and we order our drinks and then food and make small talk but the female waiter kept trying to flirt with Zayn it's irritating "hey can I get your number handsome" she ask while batting her eyelashes "um no you can not he's not single so go away" "nobody ask her opinion bitch" I got really pissed I was about to knoch her out right then and there but zayn spoke up "she not a bitch if anything she is the most beautiful girl I layed my eyes c'mon Renee we are leaving" "gladly" I say and I get up zayn goes pay I was grabbing my coat and purse when the waitress pulled my hair and turn around and punch her right in the face and she fall to the gound. I didn't say anything just walk outside with Zayn following right behind. "Babe you ok?" "Yeah I'm ok thanks for standing up for me" "that's what I'm here for baby" I hug him and peck him on the lips and we starting walking along the bleach enjoying the stars in the sky. When suddenly Zayn stop and turn towards me and had me face him. "Renee you know I love you to the moon and back and you are my universe." He pulls a box out of this pocket and gets down on one knee "Will you make me the happiest person alive right now and marry me?" I'm in stocked with my hands over my mouth I remove my hands and say "yes I will" he stands up puts the ring on me and picks me up and spins me around and putting me back down to give me a very Passionate kiss. After we pull apart to catch our breaths the black SUV pulls up and we go back to the tour bus to tell the others and to start planning our wedding in the next 6 months.

*** a few days later***

Louis p.o.v

We are off of tour for a week to have some downtime till the second half of the leg of the tours starts. So I'm headed to this person flat and call me first then texted me I'm kinda worried it's some crazed fan but my gut is telling to go and see who it is so that's what I'm doing. I've get there and turn the car off and get out and knock on the door and I wasn't expecting it to be Tabby. Tabby the who hurt me just 3 weeks ago.Tabby that was my twin. Tabby the one who I have miss a lot a lot. "Tabby" "Hi Lou" I was shocked she invited me in and we caught up and she said "can we never stop talking to each other it had killed me not having my twin" "yes I agree and same with me" so we made up and we are going to Zayn and Renee wedding as each other dates cause she the maid of honor and I'm the best man so why not. Plus we are going as friends nothing more cause she is my twin and she's like a little sister to me but I'm glad I have my twin back
"Hey twin" "yeah Tabby" "please don't tell the other guys I'm coming to the wedding or that we are talking again I don't want media attention or them knowing so please don't say anything" "I won't twin and I need to get going bye twin" "bye" I walk out and head back to mine and Harry flat happy as I can be.

Yay!! I've updated. Well Tabby alright!! What will happen at the wedding which is going to be next chapter!! Will Tabby and Niall love reunite them?? You will find out soon my loves!!




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