Chapter 14

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Ed's p.o.v

I hear my alarm and I get up and take a shower and get ready and I leave a note to let Hunter & Dani know. I walk to Hospital and go to the Nurses desk and ask "is she allowed visitors?" It's one of the nurses from last night so she remembers me "yeah she is but only a couple at a time" "it's only me here" she nods and I walk into Tabby's room but she still asleep. So I sit down and wait till she wakes up.

Tabby's p.o.v

I wake up and look at my phone to see what time it is and I start to text Ed good morning but he's already here. "Morning teddybear" he looks up and half smiles "morning Tabz" "how long have you been here?" "Since about 9" "you have been here for an hour" "yeah I didn't get much sleep cause I was worried about you, so I got up at 8 so I could be here by 9" "did you miss me that much?" "Yes I did" I smile "aww come give me a hug teddybear" he gets up but he careful when he gives me a hug. The doctor walks in and says "well you are doing a lot better today and if yiu feeling better by tomorrow then you can go home" "really?" "Yes but yiu still have to be extra careful and get plenty of rest and I want to see you back for a check-up in 2 weeks" "Okay will do" he walks out of the room and I was smiling from ear to ear "teddybear I'm so happy" "me too Tabz my best friend gets to stay in London for 2 more weeks" "yep" but what he don't know is that I was thinking about moving to London. I'll tell him tomorrow. All the guys come and visit me and I'll tell them that I most likely get to go home tomorrow and everyone happy. I tell Hunter and Dani to come back to home. So Hunter buys them a plane ticket home but he got for later that night so they can spend some time with me. It's around 9 o'clock at night they leave to go Ed's flat and then to the airport. Ed stays here at the hospital with me and we watch criminal minds but Ed falls sleep about 11 o'clock but I don't fall asleep til about 2 am. Ed wakes me up when they bring Breakfast I share it with Ed cause I won't be able to eat it all by myself cause I haven't got my full appreciate back yet. Around noon the doctor saids "you are free to go home but you need to take it easy & remember be back in a couple weeks so I can check your scars to see how you r doing" Ed speaks up and says "I'll make she does" "ok I'm going to have them get your discharge papers ready" "Okay".

Ed's p.o.v

So they just discharged Tabby from the hostipal and I had Liam come & get us and take me to my flat. I help her into my flat and she sits down on the couch and I sit down and she lays down on her back and lays her head on my lap. So I play with her hair and finally she speaks up and says "guess What teddybear?" "What?" "I'm moving to London in about a Month" "really here are you going to stay" "I don't know maybe a hotel for a couple nights until I found me a place to live" "or you could live with me" "are you sure" "yes I'm sure why wouldn't I be" "I don't know" I'm started to feel feelings for Tabby but I don't know if she feels the same way so I'm just going to keep it to myself for now.

Niall's p.o.v

So Tabby is out of the hospital and everything I'm glad she is ok. Well I met this girl today and she pretty amazing and we have been texting non stop and I like her so I'm taking her on a date to my favorite restaurant and oh I forget to tell you her name it's Zoella. I get snapped out of thoughts when Tabby calls "hello" "hi Tabby" "well someone sound happy" "yeah I met this girl and she pretty amazing I'm taking her to dinner later" "well that's good and I met this guy and he is pretty awesome but I don't know if he feels the same way" "oh I understand that feeling cause I had that feeling with you" "you did?" "Yeah I did but i know Zoella likes me back so" "oh that's nice but I have go Ed is making me eat so I'll talk to you later and have fun on your date" "ok I will" me & tabby are a pretty close friends I can't believe that she forgave me and that we are still friends but she has a big heart like that. I'm glad she my friend.

Tabby's p.o.v

Ed walks in the guest bedroom with a tray of food and his and mine on it. "Who was that?" "Niall" "oh ok well I'm glad you guys are friends after What happen" "yeah me to but I have a big heart like that" "yeah it's also cause you're forgiving to" "yeah you know you don't have to sit in here with me" "I know but I want to plus I have to make sure you eat Tabz" "Okay teddybear" I just laugh at him cause he turn and fell off the bed "you Okay teddybear" I ask still laughing but I calm down cause it starts to hurt" "yeah I am" he does this funny face at me so I do one back and we just start laughing and after I stop "can you go get me a pain pill please?" "Yeah I will be right back" "Okay". He brings me one I take it and finish eating and lay down and Ed lays by me but he laying on the covers. I fall asleep and when I wake up he must of fall sleep after I did but he said the other night that he didn't sleep well causr he was worried about me so I'll watch tv til he wakes up.

Zoella p.o.v

So I meet this amazing guy today name Niall and he is taking me to dinner. He sweet and he's handsome and I really like him but I think he knows that. So he picks me up and as we walk to the restaurant and we just make small talk and same through dinner but it was good tho. I'll have to come back to Nando's and get lunch sometime after we get back to my place I was about to go inside he lean in and kisses me and I respond pretty quickly and I break away to catch my breath Niall said "goodnight Zoella I will text you" "ok goodnight Niall" he walks away and I go inside and do a happy dance and then I receive a text from someone I thought could never get my number again.

Oh no I wonder who it is and hope u like it. Tell Wat u think.


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