Chapter 23

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Tabby's hand isn't in a cast anymore

Hunter p.o.v

So my flight just landed and I get off the plane and put my hood up and put my sunglasses on. I walk over to baggage claim and get my suitcase and head to the entrance and get a cab and tell him the hotel name. We pull up and I pay the amout and get out and walk into the hotel. I walk over to the front desk "how may I help u?" "Yes I'm here to see Tabby she has a room here" "hold on let me call up to her room" "I'm sorry to wake u Ms.Tabby but u have a friend here wanting to see u, wat ur name" "Hunter" "Hunter, otay I'll give him a key and send him up, ur welcome and u have a good night to" she hungs up the phone and hands me a extra room key and sends me up. I get on the elevator and hit the 6 button and go to room 6A. Put the room key in and open the door and put my luggage down and get ready to sleep. I go over to Tabby and shake her lightly "wat Hunter?" "I was wanting a pillow so I can sleep on the couch" "u r not sleeping on the couch" she can still agrue even if she still half asleep it's funny sometimes "yes I am u take the bed and I'll take the couch" " Hunter I said no now get ur sweatpants butt in this bed" "but Tabby I am sleeping on the couch and did u really call me sweatpants butt?" "Hunter don't make me get up and yes I did isn't that wat u wear to bed?" "alright and yes goodnight Tabby" "night Hunter" I walk around the bed and get under the covers and fell fast asleep.

Tabby's p.o.v

So I wake up and get out of bed. Walk over to my suitcase and pick out my Hunter Hayes sweatshirt and black leggings and go take a shower. After I get out I get dress and go put on socks and my pink converse(outfit on the side) and look over and see Hunter still sleeping. I grab my phone and credit card and room key and walk out of the hotel room and head down to the lobby. When the door open I started to walk the front door but I saw Louis walking and about to come in here but he was on the phone so I went behind the desk to hide. "Hi my friend is about to come in here and ask for me but call up to my room and if a guy answers ask him but don't let him that I'm hiding behind here" "alright miss" "hi I'm here to see Tabby Sharp she is in room 6A" "hold up let me look" she dail the number and I guess Hunter didn't answer cuz she hung the phone up "sorry she is not answering and she went out like 5 minutes before u came" "ok thank u did she say where she was going?" I put a paper on the desk so she could see it. "I think she went to the mall to get some breakfast for her" "ok thank u" "ok he's gone" I stand up "thank u" "ur welcome" I decided to go back up to the room and get Hunter to come with me. When I get to the room I hear the shower so he might be in the shower. He left it crack so I walk over to the door and say "Hey Hunter after u r done we r going to go get some McDonald's for breakfast is that alright?" "As long as we go to Starbucks and get coffee" "alright sounds good I'll be waiting for u out here" "alright Tabby" I go sit down and wait for Hunter I hear my phone playing Thinking Out Loud that's Ed calling I pick it up "Hello" "Hey Tabz I didn't think u would pick up" "y wouldn't I pick up?" "Because u needed some space and u won't let me see u" "that's cuz I need space Teddybear doesn't mean I won't talk to u" "ok well I have to go but I miss u and it's lonely here without u" "I miss u to Teddybear but I'll talk to u later" "alright bye" "bye" I hung up and see Hunter looking at me with a confused face "who is Teddybear?" "Ed" he nods knowing that he understands. I grab my phone and walk over to the door "hey Hunter do u have ur room key?" " yes" "Otay than I don't need to bring mine" "u don't need to bring ur credit card either" "yes I do I have to buy me some food" "no u don't I'll buy u food" "ugh Hunter" "don't ugh me give it here" "no u come and get it urself" "ok I will" he walks over to me and I put it hand up in the air and he reaches up and takes it "I hate being short" he just starts laughing "c'mon let's go Tabby" "alright". We walk out of the hotel room and put our sunglasses on and walk in the elevator. Once the doors opens we walk out and start walking "where do u want to go first?" "Well Starbucks is closer so McDonald's and then hit Starbucks on our way back" "alright let's go" i nod. We r almost to McDonald's when I trip and fell "oh my gosh Tabby r u alright?" "No I think I twisted my knee" " do u want to go get it check out?" "Yeah but let's eat first" "alright can u walk?" He helps me up "no it hurts to walk" "alright get on my back" he bends down and I get on "watch my knee" "alright I will" "u know if the paps gets pictures they r going to assume we r dating?" " yeah but I'll clear it up" "u know u r an awesome best friend?" "Yes this isn't the first time u told me" "well I got to make sure u know" we walk up to McDonald's and go in Hunter puts me down and I get slide into one side of the booth while he goes orders. He already knows wat to get me it's not the first time we have came to McDonald's for breakfast. I miss those days. My phone vibrates and I look and Ed tweeted "Hey guys I know it's been a awhile but u know I love u guys. u r the best fans in the world" another tweet "so u guys know Tabby while u guys need to stop bullying her she has been through a lot please do not make it worse" awe he cares it's sweet I liked the tweet and put my phone down cuz Hunter was bringing the food over. Just then my phone vibrated 5 times at once. "Well someone is popular" "it's tweeter I have the notifications on for all the boys,Ed and u" "awe how sweet" I stuck my tongue out at him I ate my food and decided to look at the tweets first Louis "hey guys I love u guys but would u guys please bullying Tabby she has a hard past and she didn't do nothing wrong to u guys so please stop" I liked the tweet and read Harry's next "hey guys so u some of u guys have been bullying my friend Tabby please stop she doesn't deserve it. I love u guys❤. H" I liked the tweet and read Niall's "will u guys please stop bullying my friend Tabby. It hurts to see her hurt or down thanks" I like his tweet and read Liam next "hey guys so some fans have been bullying Tabby so please stop. We see the videos guys so please stop thanks" I like his tweet and read Zayn's tweet "hey guys will u guys stop bullying Tabby she has been going to a tough time so please remember u guys r amazing and that I love u" I like his tweet and put my phone back down. It's really sweet of them. Hunter looks at me "that's sweet of the guys to do on Twitter" "yeah I had no idea that would do that" I pick up my phone and open Twitter and made a tweet "thanks guys u guys r to sweet❤ @edsheeran @Louis_Tomlinson
@Harry_Styles @NiallOfficial @Real_Liam_Payne @zaynmalik" I close twitter "u ready to go Hunter?" "Yeah let me throw our trash away" "otay" I slide out and stood up and lean against the table still Hunter came back "do u want to walk or I can carry u" "I'll walk but u have to help me since we r just going out the door and getting a cab right?" "Yeah" he puts his arm around my waist and helps we get outside and we manage to get a cab and we had them take us to a clinic. Hunter pay and helps me walk inside and goes get the papers for me to fill out and sign. After I fill them out Hunter takes them the paperwork and we wait about 10 and they call us back and they let sit in a wheelchair. They wheel me back and Hunter pick me up bridal style and sat me on the bed. The doctor came in and look at it and order some x-rays. After they got the results he came back in "well it's not broken but u sprained it really badly so u r going to have to wear a knee brace and use crutches for a week and wear the brace for about a month and it should be healed by then and at night u should wear a ace bandage so u can still move ur muscles so I'll have the nurse set u up with a knee brace and a couple ace bandages and the crutches. I'll send some pain meds to the pharmacy sound good" "yeah thanks doc" so the nurse came in and got me all fix up and we went to the pharmacy and got the medicine and we caught a cab and headed to Starbucks. When we pull up "will u wait he is going to run inside Starbucks and he will be right back" "yes but the meter is still running" "ok thank u sir oh and Hunter I want a hot chocolate" "alright I'll be back in 5 minutes" Hunter comes back after 5 minutes but has 3 cups of Starbucks instead of 2 "here u go Tabby and u go it's a hot chocolate thanks for waiting" "thanks Hunter" "thank u kind man" "ur welcome". We get back to the Hotel and go up to the room. Hunter makes me lay down on the bed and prop my knee up on the bed. I go on the internet to see if there anything about me and Hunter. Yep there is. I click on the link and read about it. Saying that we r dating and that we r so in love. Ha Hunter is like my brother so that's nasty. My phone starts ringing it's Ed I pick it up. "Hi teddybear" "I seen the article about u and Hunter" "u know none of it's true" "yeah ik" "the picture of me on his back he's carry me cuz I fell and twisted my knee really bad" "oh r u okay?" "Yeah I am I have to wear a knee brace for a month and a ace bandage at night and have to use crutches for a week" "I'm sorry love" "it's otay teddybear" "well I seen that u liked my tweet" "yeah I did it's sweet of u" "yeah all the guys did it too" "yeah I seen that u guys r to sweet" "Twin" "hi twin" "when r u coming back?" "Tomorrow I can't do 3 days but Hunter is staying at the hotel room still the day after" "alright" "well guys I will let u go have to eat" "alright bye twin" "bye Tabz" I hung up and starting eating the food Hunter brought me for lunch. We spent the rest of the day together and cuddle while watching tv all day and finally going to bed cuz I'm ready to go home back to Ed I miss ur cuddle time. I drift off to sleep thinking about Ed.

So there's the chapter. Hope u guys like it and sorry for the long wait had a lot on. Phone tavern away for 2 weeks and then got my phone taken away for like 3 days and finally I finished the chapter. So hope u guys have a wonderful day. Love ya guys❤❤



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