Answer to the Characters Q&A #2

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Tabby, you're amazing! I 100% ship you and Niall, #Tiall? #Nabby? I don't know, but I ship it. OTPPPP.

Thanks love.

Why are you so pretty?

I don't know I guess I try not to let the haters bring me down. Cause NOBODY CAN DRAG ME DOWN


Niall, the little Irish snowflake!! You're cute. Don't hurt Tabby, or I'll break you Got it?

Irish snowflake?? Hmm okay. *looks around for Tabby* Tabby help me. To answer your question I would never dream of hurting her again.

I agree with that person.... Hurt Tabby and we will break ya..

*laughs nervously* like I said before, wouldn't dream of hurting her ever again.


Hi, name twin! I ship you and Louis 100% #mouis! Can you be sassy like Tabby and Louis, If so, why don't you ever show it? Love you

I'm not really sassy, I'm more weird like Tabby and I love you too name twin!!

If you weren't with Louis, who would you prefer to date from 5sos?

Calum hands down


Louis, boo bear! I love you so much, you're my favorite person ever. What do you like best about Maddie?

Awe I love you too. Her personality

I love you, Louis... What is the best and worst thing about Maddie? #Laddie

The best thing about her is her awesome personality and the worst...hmm this is nothing I don't like about her


How life with Harry going, love? I love you, stay beautiful xx

It's amazing and love you too. Awe thanks and same to you

Can I became your sister too?

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