Who does Chuuya Nakahara belong to ?

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"He is so strong and kind ! He even treated me to eat out the other day !!"

Kenji wasted no second to shout his praises the moment Chuuya's name was mentioned, he has only been waiting for him as they went through everyone the Agency members faced during the latest events. Yosano nodded at him.

"He faced Kenji and i on his own and it was obvious that he was holding back ."

"That made me remember when i faced him and his colleagues in the hospital .. he could have destroyed the whole building in seconds if he wanted to .."

Tanizaki shivered both in fear and admiration at the memory. Kyouka sipped her tea calmly as she made her own comment.

"This is nothing compared to what he can really do, he was Kouyou-san's subordinate after all ."

"Indeed, we should expect no less from one of Mori-dono's executives ."

Fukuzawa spoke with his usual wise tone unlike Ranpo who talked while eating his snacks, his legs crossed on his chair.

"He's kinda stupid tho-"

"Anyone is stupid compared to you, Ranpo-san ..."

Atsushi earned himself a glare from the genius detective who decided to get more serious about this meeting.

"He may be stupid but he balances it with his strength, without Poe-kun's help i wouldn't stand a chance against him and even inside a mystery novel that he could never solve and without his ability, he was strong enough to beat everyone and get out of that book so he's indeed admirable ."

Ranpo had one hand on Kenji's face to keep him away as the blond nodded exaggeratedly to his words, he was such a Chuuya fanboy. Everyone drove their attention to Kunikida as soon as he spoke though.

"Nakahara may be an enemy but at some point he saved us, without him we wouldn't be sitting here talking about him so i do hold respect for him ."

"You are all making me want to see him !!! Why am i the only one who didn't meet him yet ?!"

Atsushi was whining, his eyes on the documents they had about Chuuya, specifically on that certain part that he read outloud "Short, annoying (especially when drunk), obsessed with his hat, kills at sight, if cruelty was a person it would be him, avoid him at all costs !"

"Dazai-san's info are all faulse though .. he doesn't seem cruel at all and what's with the annoying part-"

"That isn't true ! You haven't seen the real Chuuya yet ! In fact he is such a chibi and-"

Dazai was ready to badmouth his ex partner to make him seem detestable but his colleagues complimenting the redhead got on his nerves.

"He promised he would treat me to another meal !! He's so nice he even paid for the food last time, i aspire to be an adult like him someday~"

"When i was in the Mafia, he would buy me crepes whenever he could ."

"He may not watch his language but he isn't mean either, i'm sure he is nice with his dear ones ."

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