Camellia *Part One*

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Notes: *Dazai is 25 here, all the others are 21 .
             *Characters may be ooc.

Holidays are finally here. All people are  enjoying them, except ... Chuuya who has to work even in vacations.
Atsushi asked him to keep his flower shop so that he could go with his boyfriend Akutagawa in vacations. It's a win win for both of them but Chuuya could just feel sad because all his friends will go somewhere and enjoy their time with their special someone except him who has no one.

Each morning, he opens the flower shop and sits there boringly. What he hates the most is when his friends send him pics of them. It really sucks !
He doesn't find difficulties in managing the shop he literally knows all the work and the flower language just from hearing Atsushi blabbering about it all day.

He is so bored to the point where he doesn't even make difference between his costumers ... but the one who just entered could just pick his interest especially with all those bandages around his neck and hands. Chuuya would bet all he has that the guy has more bandages under his clothes and that makes him really hot.
"Good afternoon" said the strange guy .
"Good afternoon .." answered Chuuya while looking at the guy hovering around the shop. Chuuya thought that the guy definitaly doesn't know what he wants to have so he just got up and asked to help him .
The taller guy has a confused look :"I don't really have knowledge in flower language."
Chuuya reassured him :"You can just tell me what is your message and i'll pick up the flowers you need."
The man looked at him as if he was his only last hope :"Oh then can i have something that tells 'you really are capricious...i feel really hurt and i hate you now '"he was smiling while telling all of this.
Chuuya could just stand there and look at him in utter shock, then he regained himself :"Yeah of course but if i personally had someone i hated this much i wouldn't buy flowers for them."
He went towards the flowers he needs and made a bouquet full of blue and dark green colors then he went back to the taller man :"Here you have blue Hortensias which mean 'you're capricious' then you have Genians which mean 'i'm hurt' and the green ones are basils which literally say 'i hate you'. Did you like it ?"
The brunette had his eyes wide open :"PERFECT !!" He screams :" The colors are pretty dark and it's the message i need, i really like it." Chuuya just sighs.
After the man had paid for the bouquet, he made sure to say that it wasn't for him but for a friend because he would never waste money for such a stupid thing. Then just as he was heading to the door he stopped :"What do these red flowers mean ?"
Chuuya stands beside him :"Ah those ? Those are red Camellias, they mean burning, unconditionnal and eternal love."
The brunette toke one and places it beside Chuuya's face making the other slightly confused :"That suits the color of your hair and eyes."
Chuuya just looks at the flower then takes another one and places it beside the strange man's face :"I think it suits your brown eyes more ..." the other looked at him directly in the eyes. Chuuya couldn't stop the blush that was forming on his cheeks so he just turns his face and puts the flower where it was.
"Thank you even if i don't agree with you" says the man with a smile on his face then he went out and before closing the door he waved at Chuuya saying that he'll come back.
Chuuya just set on his chair and thought :"What the fuck was that ?"

"Man, you're spacing out" Tachihara yells at Chuuya's ear after he called him so many times without the other responding.
"What the fuck was that ??!!" Yelled Chuuya.
"You're spacing out and ..." with a mocking tone Tachihara continues :"You had those sparkles in your eyes ...who is the lucky one ??~"
Chuuya sighs :"i ... i saw a man so beautiful i wanted to cry .. i swear" then he puts his head on his pillow .
"Wow you fell hard !!"Tachihara laughs :"Did you at least ask for his number ?"
"No, but he said he'll come back"Chuuya reassured himself .
"What if he doesn't ??"Asks Tachihara .
"Then i'll just cry and try to forget about his so damn beautiful face and so fucking Sexy body." Mumbled Chuuya.
"I wish he comes back then ... i really do not want to console you if you start crying .. ah i just remembered ... i have no work tomorrow i can come and help in the shop if you want" suggested Tachihara.
Chuuya got up :"that would really help .. thank you buddy."

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