Let's go shopping~

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*Inspired from that official art where they go shopping x)

"What are we doing here, Dazai-san ?" Atsushi asked exasperatedly as he watched all people coming and going while they were standing and waiting for who knows who. Well, Dazai knows who.

"Oh, here they are~" the brunet said as he saw a chibi with ginger hair and a fancy hat getting closer.

"I still have work to finish and you know i hate crowded places, Chuuya-san ..." Akutagawa sighed as his senpai didn't pay him any attention, he wanted to turn and head back to his work place but remembered that Dazai would be there so he refrained himself from going.

"Stop nagging and walk beside me, it's not like i wanted to be here !" The ginger said irritatingly :"That damn Dazai, what is he planning again ? I could never get your obsession with him ..."

The other hid his mouth with his hand as he whispered :"Since yours is worse ..." but jumped instently when the other shouted :"I heard you !!!

Chuuya was already pissed and noticing that waste of bandages with his smirk didn't help at all. What comed after just made everything worse as the two younger ones noticed each other and their first reflex was to turn and go away but that was exactly why the elder ones were there, just to stop them.

"Let me go, Dazai-san, i'm not staying in the same place as him !" The silver haired boy yelled the same time as the raven haired boy said :"Let go of my wrist, Chuuya-san !" With his death glare.

The redhead returned the glare with a worse one :"You dare glare at your superior ?! You stay here, that's an order !" Making the other shut up immediatly.

The brunet, on the other hand, used his fake smile and teasing tone with his subordinate :"I planned all of this so that you two get along, you can't say no to your mentor now Atsushi-kun, can you~"  

The younger one breathed in to calm himself but the second the two others got closer, he noticed his rival's glare and sighed :"Just make sure you stop us if we started fighting ..."

"That's why the hatrack is here~" Dazai answered with a cheerful tone making sure that the ginger hears him :"Who is a hatrack, you waste of bandages !"

"I heard someone talking but i can't find him~" the brunet teased as he looked around then suddenly looked down :"Oh, you were there~ as chibi as ever~" he greated his ex partner.

"I thought you said to help them learn how to get along, but if you want to teach them how to bicker and fight then that sure is a better idea ..." the ginger said annoyingly while clenching his fist.

"Exactly !" Dazai tapped the ginger's shoulder surprising him :"There is no bickering for today, well i know this is difficult for a hatrack like you, but do your best, Chuuya~"

"I swear i will kill him !!" Chuuya promised himself then looked up at his partner's new subordinate :"So you're Jinko ?"

"Nakajima Atsushi ..." the younger one corrected as he did his best to show respect since the other was a stranger and older than him.

"Ah, sorry, Nakajima ..." the ginger went closer to the other making him scared as he looked at him from head to toe :"Hey, How old are you ?"

"18 ?" The other answered confusingly the same time as Akutagawa hid his mouth to muffle his laugh while Dazai commented dramaticly :"Life is unfair~"

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