Don't Leave ...

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Chuuya couldn't believe what he read in the text he received, it was 2 a.m yet he still made all his way to the airport to check if it was true and the moment he got there, he sighed, extremely annoyed.

"Are you serious .."

"Chuuya !! I missed you~"

He didn't push the guy who jumped on him to hug him tightly, he was too busy trying to calm himself but he quickly gave up when the other pinched his cheeks while grinning like an idiot.

"Who the hell comes all the way from France to Japan without even informing the one they know beforehand ?!"

"But i texted you .."

"Too late since you were already here !"

Chuuya pushed his phone to the other's face with the text 'Come pick me up, i'm in the Narita airport. -Albert ♡' showing on the screen making him act all fidgety.

"But i missed you ..."

Chuuya sighed, giving up again. He used his ability on Albert's luggage heading out of the airport with the other right after him.

"You can't just come without a warning .. and you even came on your own ? Did you forget that you're the French Mafia Boss ?"

"Nothing will happen, it's not like i can die anyway .. besides, you're the one who didn't text me since you left .."

"It has been only few months .."

"Yes it has been MONTHS ! That's too long .."

Chuuya regretted a little shouting at him, he knew the other cared for him. They both walked in his car with the redhead cringing at Albert who kept staring at him with a big bright smile.

"Did you at least plan where to stay ?"

"Yes. In your place ."

"As i thought ... your Japanese is pretty fluent though, months ago, you still didn't know a word ."

"I worked really really hard to learn it so won't you .. praise me~ ?"

A shiver ran down Chuuya's spine at Albert's breath on his skin since he made sure to get close enough to say those two last words.

"I'm already letting you stay at my place, is this not enough ?"

"You know that's not what i want ..."

Chuuya looked at his puppy eyes then quickly at the road only to give up again then pet the other's fluffy hair while muttering 'You have done a great job, i'm proud of you ..' and Albert was already back to his stupid grin.

Once in his place, Chuuya was about to prepare dinner, offer to drink with Albert or even chat with him since deep inside, he missed him too. He didn't expect him to collapse the second he saw a bed not even changing his clothes.

"The different timezones got me so exhausted so .. i will sleep ..."

"Okay .. good night then .."

Albert was already snorting with Chuuya still beside him looking at his sleeping face not able to refrain himself from ruffling his hair 'He is such a kid ..'

"Can't believe i am about to eat a breakfest prepared especially for me by Chuuya~"

"Pull away, i can't move properly ."

Chuuya didn't even shiver at Albert suddenly talking or having his arms around him as he hugged him from behind. The blond still pulled away to let him prepare the table getting confused at Chuuya heading to the doorway right after.

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