Tender were his lips

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In the Port Mafia building's dark, empty hallways, came the sound of footsteps, Dazai's slow, quiet footsteps. He knew what awaited him where he was heading, he wasn't impatient to get there.

His attention was on his right arm, considering whether he should wear his fake cast again until he was faced by two guards and soon by his own Boss after the guards let him inside Mori's office.

Mori was so lost in his papers that he didn't feel Dazai's presence until five minutes passed and Dazai let out a long sigh signaling that he wasn't a ghost.

"Dazai-kun- you were here ?"

"I wish i wasn't .."

"Why is Chuuya-kun not with you ?"

"He wasn't in his room and he left his phone there .."

"Now that i think of it, i did hear Elise-chan say something about a tea session with Kouyou-kun and Chuuya-kun .."

Mori drove his gaze down to his papers, he did need a break and now was his chance to take it.

"Dazai-kun, how about we switch jobs ?"

"No way- i'm already having a hard time with my missions, i don't even want to imagine myself being the Boss .."

"But as the Boss, Chuuya-kun would be all yours-"

Mori didn't miss the change in Dazai's expression but he gave him no time to talk as he stood to join him.

"Too late, you already rejected my suggestion~"

"I wasn't going to change my answer anyway !"

"Yes yes, i believe you~ let us go to Kouyou-kun's quarters, i am sure we will find Chuuya-kun there ."

Mori had his hand on Dazai's shoulder both heading out of the office, the two guards bowing as they walked past them.

"I don't understand what Chuuya keeps doing there anyway, i would get it if he was a girl but he is just a chibi-"

"He is a really kind and obedient boy unlike you ."

"You are the last person who should be talking about kindness, you never kept your promise about making the poison i need to suicide !"

"Oh- you still want to suicide ? I thought you gave up on dying .."

"Why would i-"

"Since you met Chuuya-kun, you seem to be really lively~"

"What- there is no such a thing !"

Dazai may be a genius but emotion-wise, he still was a fifteen years old teen. Mori could read him like an opened book.

As if Mori's teasing wasn't enough for Dazai's too messed feelings, they were now in Kouyou's quarters and soon found where she was having her tea session with Elise and Chuuya, all of them wearing proper kimonos or more like- proper feminine kimonos ...

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