His life was the price

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Convincing his parents wasn't the easiest thing to do but Tachihara was finally able to change their mind about letting him leave his hometown and finish his college studies in the city.

The words they kept repeating didn't leave his mind though 'Choose who to befriend', 'Don't get close to the first person who is nice with you', 'Be aware of everyone, especially your roommate' this last one was on repeat in his mind as he reached his dorms.

His short, redhead roommate who introduced himself as 'Nakahara Chuuya' didn't seem like a bad person but Tachihara still prefered to keep his distance.

Few days passed since he came to the city and he already found it hard not to fully trust his Senpai, he was such a nice guy, he helped him know the place, find new friends, he would even try to help him with his studies even though they weren't in the same field 'There is no way he is a bad guy' Tachihara concidered him as a blessing, a gift from god, he might even crush on him at this point. But those all happy and pinky days didn't last for too long.

Chuuya did mention this once, that he also was just like Tachihara when he first moved from France to Japan and without the help of a certain person 'Dazai Osamu' he called that person, who knows what might have happened to him.

The first time Tachihara met this 'Dazai' was when he was leaving the campus with his Senpai, Dazai walked out of a beautiful car then waved at Chuuya, he was a handsome man and gave Chuuya such a soft smile when he joined him but Tachihara didn't miss the too dark glance Dazai gave him, he didn't mind it though which was a big mistake.

The second time they met, Chuuya wasn't around and this was obviously on purpose. Dazai asked for a few minutes of his time and Tachihara didn't decline, he was too curious. The first questions Dazai asked were the usual ones, about Tachihara's studies, how it was living away from his family, he seemed nice till he asked that one question.

"How about Chuuya, is he a good roommate ?"

"He is, he is really nice ."

"Seems like you two get really along together ."

"We .. do ? I mean .. just like a kouhai would get along with his senpai ..."

"Is that so .. ? Well, i would really appreciate it if your relationship stays just as it is ."

Tachihara didn't miss the change in Dazai's tone when he said his last line, he quickly went back to his soft side though wishing him luck with his studies before he stands up and leaves. Tachihara had many questions going on in his mind right now.

In the evening, back in the dorms, he struggled a little to bring Dazai up but he still found how to do so without making Chuuya suspicious, he didn't feel at ease till he was about to ask the most important question.

"I .. actually i may not be minding my business with this question but you and Dazai-san .. you two seem really close so .. are you two together ?"

"No ! I mean of course we aren't, he may look young but he's actually my teacher, we just get along, nothing more ."

Believing his Senpai this time was quite hard, especially with all the time Chuuya's spending on his phone lately, always talking with Dazai at night, Dazai always being there with his gorgeous car waiting for him when he was done with his lectures to take him who knows where. There is no way there is nothing between them and as usual, Tachihara let his curiosity win over bringing this up again one of those nights in the dorms as Chuuya was checking his texts.

"You two talk a lot lately .."

"Ah sorry, i didn't realize this would bother you since we always talk late at night ."

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