So drunk and so ... sultry

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Akutagawa knew he should have found some excuse and left him alone when Chuuya asked him to go to a bar for a drink to replace Kajii, Hirotsu and Tachihara who were busy with their missions.

Because here was Akutagawa, making sure to hold drunk Chuuya from falling whenever the latter lost his balance, all while walking him to their promised enemies after he didn't stop complaining about his ex partner, repeating how much he wanted to see him, to punch him, to hug him, to kiss him ... and many other things Akutagawa wished he never heard.

On the other hand, Akutagawa will get to see his mentor so he wasn't against the situation but to his bad luck, the first one his eyes landed on as they reached the building was no other than ... "Jinko ?!!!"

"What are you two doing-"

"Hey you !"

Atsushi was given no time to finish his words when he had to catch the swaying body in his arms and Chuuya made it all worse as he directed his arms around Atsushi's neck. Akutagawa would swear he could read "What is going on ?!!!!!!!" on his rival's forehead.

"Where is that bandaged bastard ?! Take me to him i won't feel better until i punch him !"

"D-D-Dazai-san isn't here and could you please let me go ?????"

"Now that i'm looking at you .. you're kinda cute .. what's your name, cute boy~"

Akutagawa was facepalming especially when Chuuya brought his face closer to the blushing and stuttering mess holding him in his arms.

"I .. i am N-Nakajima Atsushi !!!"

"Ah you're Akutagawa's boyfriend ? I'm sorry but i'm not into taken guys-"

Everything happened too quickly for poor Atsushi, all he knew was that Chuuya pulled away only to push him in Akutagawa's arms and go upstairs and here he was hugging his crush/rival, both of them stepping away while blushing.

Chuuya didn't hesitate to walk inside the main office, not minding everyone's eyes suddenly on him as he ordered.

"Where is Dazai ?! Bring that bandaged bastard to me we need to have a talk !"

"Oh isn't that Mister Fancy Hat ?"

"You mean Dazai's boyfriend ?"

Chuuya was so drunk he didn't hear Yosano's words, he only noticed the first who spoke and didn't waste a second to walk to him.

"You asshole ! We didn't meet since that time you trapped me inside that book ! We finally get to settle what we left unfinished that time !"

Ranpo smirked as he watched the drunk ginger head to him then grab his collar as he rested his leg between the other's on the chair he was sitting on, bringing their faces only inches away from one another.

With his worst timing, Poe had to come in at that exact moment, his eyes only seeing the very small space between his crush and a stranger's faces, and he who was excited to meet Ranpo and talk about the new mystery he wrote ...

He held the book close to his chest at the sight before he runs away, bumping on Atsushi and Akutagawa who were about to walk in the office, all while shouting.

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