Thank you for being born into this world

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"Can i know where we are going ?!"

Chuuya grit his teeth at his partner who wouldn't give him any details about this so important mission they had to carry out this day precisely, it was supposed to be a free day for him yet here was this suicidal maniac wasting his time and driving him wherever he wanted by using Mori's name as an excuse, although Chuuya doesn't recall his Boss say anything about this mission.

"You will find out once we are there ."

"Why do you always have to make the job extra complicated with your stupid tricks which only you find interesting when you can simply give me the details ?!!"

"Why do you always have to talk so much, Chuuya ?"

As if his annoying partner wasn't enough, here was the car they were in stopping by a train station. He wondered what job they could ever have there but Dazai simply bought train tickets then walked in one and took a seat there.

Dazai glanced up at a too annoyed Chuuya sitting in front of him and glaring at him. He sighed pointing at the window on his right.

"Enjoy the scenery instead of glaring at me .. or is it that- i am the scenery ?!!"

"You're not, you jerk ! Just tell me what this mission is about !"

"Told you you will find out once we are there, don't worry, it's an easy one ."

"I'm not worried !"

Chuuya eventually gave up, turning his gaze to the window. Wherever their destination was sure seemed to be far, the train would stop by station and station, people coming in and out yet Dazai who had his eyes shut, wouldn't move at all, though, he did move holding Chuuya's wrist when he was about to leave the train.

"Where ? We didn't reach our destination yet ."

"I'm not going there !"

"Took you too long to figure it out ..."

Yes, Chuuya did figure where they were heading from the stations they were stopping at, he only went there once, a year ago and he couldn't- no, he wasn't ready to go back there.

"I promised Boss i would never go there again ."

"I already talked this out with Mori-san ."

"I don't want-"

"It's his first birthday since he came to life .."

Chuuya bit his bottom lip, maybe the pain would be greater than his aching heart, why did this have to happen in this day out of all days ? 

He went back to his seat, arms crossed over his chest, mind travelling far, back to when he found his clone in that facility, when he saved him, when he pled Mori to modify the boy created only to be a weapon to a normal human being who can lead a normal life .. to give the boy to his parents, to tell them he was their real son, to also get to go with him, to see his parents at least once, but to say he was the clone and the original lost his memories due to when he was kidnapped and experimented on, to let them know these were confidential information they had to keep for themselves if they wanted their son to carry a normal life, he also promised Mori to never go to them for the same reason. He couldn't forget the parents cries when they had their son back, their mortified faces when they were told he was just a clone when in fact he was their real son-

"Finally .. after two hours, but we still have a long way to walk ."

Dazai knew his feet will be sore by the next day, he was never the sporty type. He stole a glimpse at the redhead, still deep in his thoughts as they walked through corn fields, the house was pretty isolated.

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