As Planned

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"Why do i have to see your face in my day off ?" Chuuya complained with not much energy . They just ended their urgent mission which was as easy as always for the most feared duo in Yokohama .
"Hurry your ass up! I need to come back to my apart and drink some wine so that i forget that i ever seen your face on my holidays ."
"Now now Chuuya, it's already 9 p.m and we are far away from the city . Why don't we just find some place to spend the night~
Chuuya was going to retort but he stopped when he felt some droplets on his face . It was raining .
"Okay ... " he sighed .

They go to a nearby hotel and book a room there for which Dazai pays after he lost on a bet they made .
"I still didn't recover from your loss, maybe you have a fever . Don't you need to see a doctor ?"
"You never heared of coincidences Chuuya ?"
"At least not with you" he looks at him suspiciously .
Dazai pulls Chuuya by his wrist "Let's just go to our room" . Chuuya doesn't mind, he also doesn't notice the receptionist fangirling behind them .
"Where is my key ?" Chuuya asks .
Dazai shows him that there is just one key .
"Did you fucking book just one room ?!"
"I'm not paying for two rooms~" he opens the rooms door .
Chuuya looks at the room and yells instently :"I'm not fucking sleeping on the same bed as you !" He storms out of the room and goes directly to the reception .

After a moment,
"Don't you dare come near me you waste of bandages !" Chuuya is sitting at the edge of the bed .
"Ah so you didn't find another room ?" Dazai says teasingly .
"This was the last room and stop with that smirk !" He hits the other with a pillow that the latter dodges easily . "Shall we go to eat now ?" Dazai suggests with a smile .
"Yeah i'm starving" .

When they reach their table, Dazai hurries to pull the chair for Chuuya to sit. Chuuya blushes at the gesture :"Stop being so kind it makes me sick".
"Chuuya .. you meanie~" Dazai laughs .
"Says the one who makes me suffer 24/7" Chuuya answers annoyingly .
Coincidently, it is French cuisine for today's dinner. "I don't like all these coincidences ..." Chuuya sends a suspicious look towards Dazai .
"Stop being so suspicious Chuuya~ even i can live without planning everything" .
Chuuya doesn't answer . Both of them eat in silence . Here again, Chuuya doesn't notice the waitresses fangirling behind them .

After they finished eating, they went for a walk because the rain has already stopped.
Chuuya stands still and takes a deep breath :"I like the smell of the rain mixed with earth , if you weren't here it would probably smell better". Dazai giggles but doesn't answer.
There is something weird . For some reason, Dazai is being so nice today . Chuuya doesn't want to ask, he just prefered to come back to their room and sleep .
He's surprised when Dazai wanted to hold hands with him . Chuuya looked around, there is no one to see them so why not . They walk back to the hotel while holding hands and blushing. Chuuya was blushing, not Dazai .

It feels more awkward now in the room. Chuuya goes sleeping directly. He felt it when Dazai laid down beside him so he blushes and pushes himself towards the other side of the bed. He feigns sleeping till his phone rings . He takes it and looks at the screen, it was a text from 'Mackerel' . He opens it and reads "Happy Birthday Chuuya~" .
He turns immediatly :"What was tha-" . His sentence is interrupted by a pair of lips on his. His eyes are wide open and his face is burning. Dazai pulls away and smiles softly :"Happy birthday Chuuya~".
Chuuya is surprised :"I completly forgot about it. Usually, it's Anee san who makes me remember abo-" he is again stopped but not because of a kiss. It's because of his phone ringing. "Whaa what's all of that ?" A lot of texts came at once.
"Who is the first ?" Dazai says while taking a look on Chuuya's phone.
"It's Tachihara, he's saying 'happy birthday senpai .. and be careful of Dazai-san' why ?" Chuuya gives Dazai a questioning look.
"Who knows~" Dazai whistles while taking note of making Tachihara pay for this the next day :"you should read the other texts".
"It's Anee san's text now" Chuuya's face lightens up. The text says :"Happy Birthday dear Chuuya. Enjoy your time with Dazai . I wish you have no regrets next morning."
"What does that mean ?" Chuuya looks at Dazai again .
"Next next ... " Dazai says while cursing all of them silently .
"Now it's Hirotsu san, he says that he'll be the one paying next time we go to have some drinks" Chuuya smiles, happiness is showing on his face.
"There is also one from Kajii, he says that he will show me the new lemon bombs he in...vented ... i don't really want to see this" Chuuya says with a scared face. Dazai just laughs .
"Ah there is one from Akutagawa, he says 'Happy Birthday Chuuya san. Don't you dare do anything with Dazai san' okay wait... " Chuuya looks at Dazai :"why is he threatening me on my birthday ?"
"No idea~" Dazai says while looking away . He is lucky that the phone rings again to drive Chuuya's attention off of him.
"What the fuck ?" Chuuya yells :"It's a text from the Boss !" .
"What does it say ?" Dazai looks at the phone . The text says :"Hey Chuuya, it's Elise, happy birthday, and you're joining me in my shopping tomorrow because i helped Dazai convincing Rintarou to give you two that mission today. I'm waiting for you."
Chuuya turns to face Dazai :"okay now i need explanations" he says irritatingly .
"Is it bad if i wanted my partner all to myself today ?" Dazai says with a smile .
"Whaaa ..." Chuuya has his face on fire .
"I knew that if we stayed there they would celebrate your birthday all together . I didn't want that i wanted us to be alone together just as we are now. Is it bad Chuuya ?" Dazai has his face too close to Chuuya's with his hands on the others . He also has those puppy eyes that Chuuya hates so much because he can't refuse him a thing now.
He just averts Dazai's look "It's okay ... i guess ?"
"Did you want a cake so bad ??" Dazai says mokingly .
"What ? No i'm not a kid !" Chuuya yells .
Dazai just smiles and kisses Chuuya's cheek :"I'm glad to spend your birthday by your side again, i wish next year would be the same Chuuya~" .
Chuuya lookes at him with wide eyes he doesn't know how to respond to this so he just smiles ... a genuine smile and says :"Thank you, Dazai"
At this sentence, Dazai jumps instently on Chuuya :"Don't ask me to hold back" .
Chuuya isn't prepared for this :"wait ... hey .. whaaa ... ".

In the next morning, Chuuya wakes up at Dazai's sight. "Good morning baby~" Dazai says with a soft smile .
"What the fu- .. " last night's memories suddenly flooded his head . He directly hides his face with the blanket :"Kill me !!!!"
"Chuuya, are you finally suggesting a romantic double suicide with me ~"
"Fuck you you waste of bandages" Chuuya is so embarassed.
"Yeah that's what happened last night it was just the other way around~" Dazai laughs.
Chuuya shows just his eyes from the blanket :"you planned everything right ?"
"What if i say yes ?" Dazai smirks,
"I wouldn't be surprised ... " Chuuya whispers while getting up and giving Dazai his 'good morning kiss' . 

Dazai was obviously the one asking Mori for the mission and for Elise's help . He was the one asking all of them to not make Chuuya remember about his birthday . He planned for loosing the bet, the hotel, the room, the bed and the French cuisine even the rain . Dazai planned everything.

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