Sensei's Biggest Fan

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Dazai ran .. and ran .. and ran ...

He couldn't be late, not this day out of all days, he was so excited, worked so hard for this yet- by the time he reached the library where was held Kashimura-sensei's fanmeeting, his all time favorite Author, there was no one around.

It was the Poet's first fanmeeting for the release of his first book yet Dazai was late to it. Hands were on knees, he was breathing heavily, he couldn't believe he missed such a chance, holding the cloth of the first person passing by.

"Did ... did Kashimura-sensei leave ?"

When he looked up, adjusting his round glasses, he was stunned. It was his first time seeing a person with orange hair.

"Is that the one holding his fanmeeting here ? I think it ended awhile ago ."

"Do you know where he went ?? I really need to meet him !"

"I don't .. let's ask someone in the library, they might know ."

Dazai followed the redhead, shaking his head not to focus on the red hair in a short bob, he never saw a foreigner it the countryside where he lived.

"Adam, did you see in which direction Kashimura-sensei went ?"

The tall, dark haired man eyed the short redhead, perplexed by his question, Dazai who was in the back, urged him for a response which Adam gave.

"Last time i saw him, he walked through that alley ."

Dazai was surprised at the redhead being the first to run in the direction, shouting a quick Let's look for him ! Dazai wasted no time to follow him.

They ran in that alley to the next one .. and the next one .. checked few shops, asked people around, Dazai having to stop to regain his breath after awhile but also, because he remembered an important detail.

"Wait ... do you know what he looks like ?"

"I thought you knew-"

"I don't- this was supposed to be my first time meeting him, but you seemed to know him that's why i followed you .."

"I just know about his fanmeeting because i live around here but i never met him myself ..."

"So all this running was for nothing ?!!!"

Dazai's legs gave up, bringing some weird stares on him as he fell on the ground, exhausted.

"This day couldn't get any worse why ???"

The redhead who noticed the weird stares, urged him to stand up, suggesting that they rest on a bench and Dazai was obedient enough to listen to him, brown eyes wide open when the redhead joined him with a drink to help him regain his strength.

"We ran through the whole city without even knowing each other's names, what's your name ?"

"Dazai Osamu ."

The redhead waited for him to ask for his name but Dazai was too busy staring at the sea facing them as they were in the Yokohama Port, probably thinking of the Author he didn't get to meet.

"Nice to know you, Dazai-san. I'm Nakahara Chuuya ."

Again, no response. Chuuya wore a sad smile, looking at the drink in his hand then up at the sad brunet.

"It's okay i'm sure he'll hold another fanmeeting and you will get to see him then ."

"But this was his first one .. he was selling his first book too- wait .. i'm so stupid i didn't even remember to buy it when we were there i gotta go back-"

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