I will show you~

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Atsushi has been waiting for half an hour now and none of the ones he was supposed to meet with showed up. He pulled out his phone and dialed Dazai's number but it always asks him to leave a message. Only when he decided to at least go on a walk, he finally noticed one of them walking towards him.

'He's always so extra ...' he thought as he smiled and greeted the ginger who joined him while analizing his looks, those super skinny dark blue jeans with a white shirt tucked inside the jeans that went over his belly while the shirt was fully buttoned slightly revealing his choker, the small black boots, the black unbuttoned coat that reached his ankles, the black gloves, the dark blue bag on his shoulder and finally, the dark glasses and the stylish hat.

He looked at his own big yellow sweater, light blue jeans and simple shoes then said with a nervous tone as he thought 'We definitely live in two different worlds ...'

"I have been here since half an hour and no one showed up, i was starting to get worried ..."

"I came an hour earlier but sorry for not noticing you, i was focused on my phone ."

"Why so early ?"

"Just one of my habits, but you know, the bandaged bastard being late is nothing new, the one worrying me is Akutagawa .."

"He probably changed his mind since he knew i came along ..."

"It's not like this is the first time the four of us go out together ..."

Atsushi nodded remembering the very first time Dazai tricked them into going out all together so that he gets along with Akutagawa then sighing at the souvenir of how it ended before he focuses on the ginger who held his arm then leaned on him tiredly.

"Besides, he knows he's getting no mission for the next week if he isn't coming today, so don't worry, he's probably on his way- ah, he finally picked up ."

Chuuya turned his attention to the voice of his subordinate on his phone while Atsushi thought 'It's ... it's not like i was worried ...'

"He's saying that he's on his way here with mackerel ."

"Oh, he came with Dazai-san .. but he didn't say why they are late ?"

"He said he will explain when they get here and yeah, he must be overjoyed for getting to come with his dear Dazai-san ..."

"He only accepts to come along because Dazai-san asks him to and you keep threatening him with his missions, if it was up to him, he would never do any of this ..."

He was surprised when Chuuya pulled away then gestured for him to lean down which he didn't do right away annoying the other.

"Look, i'm tired so just lean down already !!"

Atsushi shivered and did as he was told before letting out an 'Ouch !' At the other slightly smacking his head ruining his hair then fixing it.

"Stop being overdramatic about it, besides, do you think i would be here wasting my time if there wasn't any improvment ? Just compare how you two were the first time we did this and how you are now and you will get it yourself ."

"Chuuya-san is being too optimistic ..."

"While you're being too pessimistic, do you realize that you're risking people's lives each time you get into an argument in the middle of a fight ?!"

"I do .."

"Then stop wasting your energy on talking and use it to get along with him instead ."

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