I would heal you (If you want me to)

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Hazel eyes slowly opened, needing awhile to adjust to candle lights, the only lights that lightened the room, a room he has never seen.

His head was aching, body still numb, he tried to move his arms but he couldn't, his wrists were cuffed to the bedframe.

The last thing Dazai remembered was sharing a drink with his petite partner, which already surprised him considering the fact that Chuuya prefered to drink with Hirotsu, complaining about the brunet all the time.

Yet this time he chose to drink with him and since then- Dazai has no other memories. He could tell he was drugged at his sore muscles, he blinked few times to clear his vision then analyzed every inch of the room.

He guessed it was a hotel room- or more like, a luxurious hotel room. The bed was round, covered in blood red sheets and positioned right in the middle of the huge chamber.

Many scenarios crossed his mind, a list of his enemies flashing in his head, he processed every course of events, what he should do in each one- till his thoughts were interrupted by a door pulled open.

His eyes wandered to said door and he did feel relief when he saw who emerged from the door which seemed to lead to the bathroom.

"It was just you, Chibi ..."

"Oh, you're already awake ."

"Take these handcuffs off me ."

"No ."

"Then at least say what this is about !!"

"Can't you tell ? I thought you were good at guessing stuff ."

Chuuya was at the edge of the bed, Dazai could see him and his blood red bathrobe, red that matched his so loved wine that he drinks behind his Anee-san's back as he still was underage.

Dazai could even see the water droplets running down Chuuya's exposed chest and thigh, he could guess what this was about.

"What day are we today ?"

"The 19th ."

"Oh ..."

'It's my birthday ...' Dazai's thoughts were finally confirmed but as much as he wanted this, probably more than the redhead himself, he couldn't like it as he wasn't the one who planned it.

"I wonder what Anee-san would think of what you're planning to do ."

"She won't know .."

"We're underage, Chuuya ..."

"You're also 18 now so it's okay ."

"The legal age is 20 if you forgot ."

"It's 18 in France ."

"Who cares about France ?"

"We are in France ."

"There is no way-"

"Look ."

To convince him, Chuuya used a remote to pull away the curtains on their right revealing a huge glass instead of a wall, it gave them a full view on the city but mostly, the Eiffel Tower that proved they were in Paris, thus in France.

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