Naughty First Date

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Warning : Mild Sexual Content !

"The guy with the brown turtle-neck top ... ah- there he is ."

Chuuya was in a small cozy coffee shop, staring at the broad shoulders of the man he was about to have a date with. Calling the date unique would be an understatement considering what Chuuya was about to do.

He checked himself one last time, he wasn't sure his large green top and tight black trousers matched the brownish theme of the shop but it was too late to worry about such minor details.

He walked to the man, feeling lucky that the table was in the furthest corner of the shop, there weren't many customers inside and the waiters were far from them so no one would hear their talk, hoped Chuuya.

As he reached the table, he breathed deeply in, preparing himself for his upcoming outrageous date "Only this one and i will be done .." Chuuya leaned a little, ready to address the man only to find him focused on his book.

"H-hello ..."

"Aaah i stuttered on the first word !!!" Chuuya couldn't let himself get embarrassed, this wouldn't match his character for this date but the smile the man gave him wasn't of help.

"Hello, are you Pianoman-kun's friend ?"

"Yeah, it's Nakahara Chuuya ."

"I'm Dazai Osamu, nice to meet you ."

"I already know your name, everyone knows your name .." Chuuya watched the brunet stand and slightly bow to him "He is so tall !!" he thought, they were never this close for him to notice their huge height difference, and now that he got a close look to his face, hazel eyes, chocolate colored hair and those round glasses "He's so handsome ..." Chuuya added to himself.

"I hope i didn't make you wait for too long ."

"Not at all, you are early ."

"You came earlier .."

"I had to ."

They were facing each other, that soft smile never leaving Dazai's lips. He put his book aside and pushed the menu towards the redhead for him to find what to order.

"How was your day ?"

"It was .. fine, i had two classes then i spent the rest of it with my friends ."

Chuuya felt so awkward that he forgot to ask the brunet about his day in return, he was more focused on finding the good moment to start his mission, even though ruining this date was the last thing he wanted to do, not when it is going so well, and mostly not when his date is the smartest, richest and most handsome guy in their campus.

A waitress joining them and asking for their orders eased the tension, Chuuya wanted something sweet so he ordered some western pasturies then he watched the brunet make his order, and watched him, and watched him ... until he noticed the guy staring back, always with that gentle smile.

"Is there something on my face ?"

"Yes ! Your good looks !" Chuuya cursed his friends under his breath, here he was about to ridicule himself, in front of his newly found crush and he couldn't even back away, he promised he would do it.

"Actually .."

He had to interrupt his words when the waitress came back with their orders, and here he was again mesmerized by the man who lifted his cup of coffee up to his nose.

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