Your Waist is Mine !

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Warning : Mild Smut !

"Sober Chuuya-kun is a very rare sight ."

... was the sentence that welcomed Chuuya as he joined his Anee-san, the one who took him in when no one accepted him, not even those of his bloodline.

Although, as he grew, he realized that by staying with her, he was harming her as well. Thus, why he isolated himself, accepting his curse and lonely fate.

This time was an exception. Kouyou could figure that much at Chuuya's serious face, gesturing for him to take seat in front of her.

"Should i pour you some tea ? Or maybe you want more saké ?"

"I don't have time for that ."

Kouyou put the cup aside, not minding the spider that walked inside it, or the one walking by her feet, or the one on her face-

"What happened ?"

"My little sister .. Elise- she was taken ..."

"Oh is that the Oni you took in ? Isn't it good for her ? Since you want no one around you .."

"She's too young ! And- i found traces of a fight where she disappeared, and only an Exorcist would leave such marks !"

"That means she was exorcised, it's too late to save her now ..."

"We aren't sure yet ! You can't ask me not to look for her !"

"What are you planning to do then ?"

Kouyou knew what he would say, only Chuuya was so foolish to say such a thing.

"If she is alive, i will bring her back, if she is no more, i will avenge her !"

"Against the Exorcists ."

"That is why i am seeking your help ."

As she took a sip of her own cup, she almost spit it back, she did not expect Chuuya's response "He matured ..."

"I'm not stupid to jump in there on my own, as strong as i am, i know i can't take them on alone ."

"Yes, especially now that they are taming Onis and using them as their Shikigamis ..."

Only now did Kouyou take Chuuya seriously, eyeing his outfit for a second then staring down at one of the bigger spiders, which she had on her hand before it leaves.

"I am nothing but a Yokai, even i wouldn't be of much help against the Exorcists but i know those who are strong enough to help you ."

As soon as she finished her words, the door was open, the spider was back, Yosano following it, bowing to the two in the room.

"Here is what you asked for ."

Yosano smiled at Kouyou's gentle Thank you, blue, confused eyes wandering between the two women before Yosano takes her leave.

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