Rent a Boyfriend

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Warning : SMUT !

"I can't believe you have done this ."

Chuuya was annoyed, glaring back at Albatross who was behind him pushing his wheelchair.

"Just wait until you see him, i'm sure you will like him !"

"How do you even know what's my type ??"

"I looked up your porn search history ."


"Here he is ."

Chuuya lost his breath, quickly stopping his loud friend who was about to call the brunet.

"W-wait !! My heart is not ready yet !"

"Don't overthink it ! It's his job he'll make you comfortable in no time ."

"But i never did this-"

Albatross didn't listen to him, he wanted Chuuya to spend as much time as possible with this rented boyfriend, he did after all, spend all this month's wage to rent the expensive guy for him-

"Hey ! Hope we didn't make you wait for too long ."

"Not at all, you're early ."

The brunet was sitting on a bench by the lake waiting for them and standing up the moment he saw them. Chuuya blushed when he figured that yes, this tall, very handsome and well built brunet is indeed, perfectly his type.

"I'm Albatross, the one who talked to you on the phone, and my friend here is your date~"

"Nice to know both of you, i'm Dazai Osamu ."

Chuuya was too embarrassed to look up, thus missing Dazai's gentle smile. He wished Albatross wouldn't go but he knew this would never happen.

"I will leave you two on your own then, take good care of my friend, he's a little shy so go easy on him~"

"I will ."

"You didn't have to say that !!" Chuuya didn't let out these words, giving his friend a desperate look when Albatross bent down, grabbing Chuuya's shoulders tight and whispering a soft Have fun ! before he takes his leave.

Blue eyes followed Albatross's figure that faded away before they look back, finding hazel eyes at their level. Dazai made sure to sit on the bench to be at the same height as Chuuya.

"You're Nakahara Chuuya-san right ? Your friend told me your name on the phone the other day ."

"That's- good ..."

"And you can call me Dazai or Osamu or whatever you're comfortable with ."

"Okay .."

"How should i call you ?"

Chuuya stared at Dazai's gentle smile then away, tightening his hold on the armrest of his wheelchair and choosing to be honest, as embarrassing as that could be.

"Look, i never went on a date so if i end up being too awkward i'm apologizing beforehand, and you can call me Chuuya ."

"Don't apologize, there is nothing weird about being awkward, Chuuya ."

"His line makes no sense .." Chuuya still blushed at the man calling him by his first name, following him by his gaze when he stood up.

"Should we stay here or shall we go elsewhere ?"

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