Double the Pleasure

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Warning : SMUT !

Today wasn't as usual, Kunikida who would always force Dazai to work was the one who threw him out of the Agency threatening him not to come back till the night.

Not like Dazai would complain but he still got bored after a while as he walked down Yokohama's streets wondering how he should occupy himself. Maybe he should find a lady to ask for (annoy with) a double suicide, or maybe he should bring some dangerous guy and throw the city to ashes again ... it's true that it was way too peaceful for him.

Right when he prayed for someone to get him out of his boredom, a black car suddenly stopped beside him and inside was someone with a mask who pulled him in and the driver, who also had a mask, started the engine instently rushing to leave.

Dazai didn't even flinch, he knew who it was after all. There was only one person in Yokohama who would wear such an expensive perfume.

"Did Mori-san finally give up and sent you to kidnap me ?"

"This has nothing to do with boss ."

Dazai was pretty sure the one beside him was his angry Chibi former partner at his perfume so the driver having the same voice as Chuuya really confused him and his thoughts were confirmed when both revealed their similar faces.

"This has to do with us ."

"As if one Chuuya wasn't enough,  now we got two ..."

Dazai was about to complain more but shut up at the Chuuya beside him smacking his head since it wasn't time for his jokes.

"So ? What am i supposed to do ?"

"Just nullify the ability of the guy who did this to me, it's really troublesome since even my personality is split in two ."

"Chibi got himself into this so why should i-"

This time, Chuuya's glare was enough to make Dazai shut up then sigh.

"So who got the annoying part of Chibi's personality ? Oh sorry, i almost forgot that everything about Chuuya is annoying-"

"I told you this is no time for your jokes !"

"This one got his angry side .." Dazai thought at the Chuuya beside him while at the Chuuya who was driving then looking back at him-

"It's not like we needed your help or anything, you have to do it for all the times you forced us to follow your plans so .. so you will help right ??"

"And this one got his tsundere side ..." Dazai leaned back on his seat wondering what he did to deserve this.

"There is only one thing more annoying than Chuuya and it's two Chuuyas so yeah, i will help .."

He obviously got another smack from the angry Chibi sitting beside him while the one driving acted all mighty.

"Of course you would help ! As if you had another choice ."

"What .. are we doing here ?"

For once, Dazai didn't plan any of this and couldn't even predict what was about to happen as he looked around Chuuya's place not noticing when the two Chuuyas nodded at each other then pushed him to the bedroom surprising him when they threw him on the bed.

"Nullifying the ability will be for later while for now ..."

Dazai shivered at angry Chuuya unbuttoning his shirt while getting on the bed with tsundere Chuuya following him with a faint blush on his cheeks.

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