Officialy 'Double Black'

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"I'm not wearing a fucking dress on our wedding !!" Chuuya retorted, with a face red in embarrassment.
"But you'll look cute~ ... ouch okay you won't wear a dress so don't hit me .." Dazai moved to the side to dodge Chuuya's punch then he continued :"Who would you want as your groomman ?"
Chuuya looked at him for a moment then smirked :"we just thought about the same thing right ?"
Dazai laughed and hugged him :"that's why i love you Chuu~"
"Stop calling me that way !" Yelled Chuuya ...

... that was what happened months ago ..

Chuuya really felt insecure at this point . It's been a long time that he and Dazai were dating and living together . "Isn't it time that we talk about marriage ?" was what Chuuya thought . But Dazai didn't talk about the matter till that time and they never talked about it again . Chuuya really wanted to bring up the subject but no he won't ! He isn't the one who is supposed to point it out first so he will just wait ...

... till that day ...

It was a Saturday, they were supposed to stay at home and clean, that was their routine after all. Suddenly, Dazai had to go to work because there was an urgent work as Kunikida said.
At the door, Dazai gave Chuuya a soft kiss on the lips :"I'm not taking too long baby~"
"I'll miss you ..." said Chuuya while waving at his boyfriend from the door. Then he closed it and started on what he was supposed to do : cleaning .
He didn't feel the time passing till it was already 3 p.m . He looked at the clock and thought :"Dazai is late ..." . He jumped at the buzz in his pocket ... it was his phone .
'Mackarel' was the one calling . "It's time i change his name" Chuuya thought while looking at the phone and smiling then he picked up .
"Hey baby, i missed you~" said Dazai with a cheerful tone .
"Hey, how are you ?" Asked Chuuya, he didn't want to directly ask him why he was late . It didn't feel right.
"Fine fine a little tired ... can i ask for something Chuu~"
Chuuya could already imagine those puppy eyes his boyfriend makes each time he wants something :" Yeah sure !"
"Okay so from now till evening we'll keep talking on the phone and i'll ask you to do some things for me ... i know you find that weird but you trust me right Chuuya ?" Said Dazai with a serious tone .
Chuuya was confused . He knew his boyfriend and his fucked up mind but he couldn't say no to that serious tone . He could just trust him and prepare himself to face anything anytime :" i just finished cleaning so i guess i'm free now ... what do you want me to do?"
"Good boy~" said Dazai and that irritated Chuuya "first go to our room ... "
"I'm there . " Chuuya said .
"Now open the wardrobe"
"Did it"
"You see that black suit on the corner ? Take it and wear it"
"What the fuck ?! " Exclaimed Chuuya :"it wasn't here this morning !"
"Just wear it Chuuya~"
"Ok .. ay"

After a moment, "i'm finished " he looked at his reflexion in the mirror " wow, i look gorgeous !"
"You always look gorgeous Chuuya~" said Dazai with a flirting tone .
Chuuya just blushed :" what should i do now ?"
"Pick up your keys and go to your car " Ordered Dazai .
After a while :"i'm in the car now, where am i supposed to go ?" Asked Chuuya .
"Just turn on the car and i'll direct you ..." said Dazai .
"It would be easier if you just tell me ... " Chuuya sighed, he was supposed to trust him then that's what he'll do :" i'm counting on you then ... "

Dazai directed him in all his way till he suddenly asked him :" Chuuya ... are you here ?"
"Yeah what is it ?"
"Is there something that was disturbing you lately ? If there is then please point it out okay baby " said Dazai with a carring tone .
Chuuya was surprised, the first thing he thought about was the wedding thing and he really wanted to talk about it, but no he won't give up after all this time :" No not really "
"Are you sure ?" insisted Dazai .
"Yeah i am .Why do you ask ?" Said Chuuya with a serious tone .
"No just like that " answered Dazai cheerfully "hey Chuuya"
"What ?"
"Do you know i miss you ?"
"Yeah i know you miss me"
"Good then ..." he toke some time then continued :" hey Chuuya ?"
"What again ?" Answered the ginger with an annoyed tone.
"Do you know i love you ?"
"What's with that stupid question ?"
"Just answer me !"
"Yeah ... i know you love me "
"Good ... hey Chuu-"
Chuuya interrupted him :" can you stop with your stupid question?"
"Please Chuu~ that's the last one !!"
"Maybe when you stop calling me Chuu ..."
"Okay then please Chuuya .. please !!"
"Aaah okay you're so annoying just say it !" He could feel the happiness radiating from his phone.
Dazai changed his tone to a gentle one :" Do you know that i want to be with you till the last moment in my life and even after this life ?"
Chuuya wasn't waiting for this, luckily, the other wasn't in front of him or else he would have seen his burning face :" yeah ... i know ..."
"Okay now ... "
"No other questions Dazai" said Chuuya irritatingly.
"No i wanted to say that you should stop at the parking on your left ... you see it right ?"
"Yeah ... i do "
After getting out of his car, Chuuya noticed that it was already dark outside. He again didn't feel the time passing because of Dazai's blabbering.
Suddenly, he asked :"Dazai isn't that were ..."
"You are too slow Chuu~" said Dazai teasingly .
"Shut up ! You didn't stop talking in all our way here ! That's your fault not mine !" Chuuya retorted .
"Okay okay calm down now ... so you know where you should go right ?"
"The same place ? ... but why ?"
"Don't ask Chuuya ... "
The Mafia executive found that really suspcious, but then , he could just go there now that he was already here .

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