Dazai has to do ANYTHING Chuuya says

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"Who would come at such an hour ..."

Dazai grunted, tiredly leaving his futon to check who was at the door. He wore a fake, disgusted face at the one he saw.

"If Chuuya is the first person i see today then this day will be an awful one-"

"Of course it will be awful ! Did you forget what today is supposed to be ?"

"Another day i get to live this miserable life ?"

"That's everyday for you- .. and it's the day you will do anything i say !!"

"It's today ??? Can i just die please-"

Dazai faked falling on his futon, he was such a Drama Queen- as if he didn't purposely lose his bet with Chuuya, curious to know what the redhead would make him do as he knew Chuuya had a secret crush on him.

He got a nice kick on his back that woke him properly, Chuuya urging him to get up.

"Here is your first order you lazy mackerel ! You have no right to talk about dying !"

"What- but why .."

"Your second order ! Take a shower cause you fucking stink !"

"No please anything but a show- aaaaah-"

As if Chuuya would ever listen, throwing him into his bathroom right away.

Dazai regretted his decision and was so disappointed in the redhead, when he did all of this to give him a chance to be honest ...

He wasn't ready for the breakfast he found on his table when he was done showering.

"Did you cook this ?"

"Yeah cooked your cousin for you ."

"My cousin- ?" Dazai didn't understand what Chuuya meant until he recognized the mackerel. He was annoyed but still ate the food, imagining Chuuya cooking it while wearing an apron, but nothing under the apron- he had to stop his wild imagination ...

"Get in your Uniform, it's time we go to School ."

"But isn't it too early-"

"You're the one who always comes late ! Now get in your fit !"

The day didn't even start and Dazai was tired of it but he wouldn't complain after he got to eat Chuuya's cooking -he forgot when was the last time he had breakfast- and gets to go to School with him.

Chuuya didn't hesitate to give him a smack on the head when he noticed hazel eyes eyeing train rails.

"I said no dying !"

"I didn't say anything-"

"You don't have the right to think of it either !"

When they walked inside crowded train, Dazai seriously considered forever losing his bets with Chuuya now that there was no space between their bodies.

"Don't get hard. Don't get hard. Don't get hard-" was what Dazai kept repeating to himself throughout the whole ride. He was such a pervert. As if he didn't just have a wet dream of the redhead which the redhead himself interrupted at the Dazai, please fuck me part when he knocked on the door.


Dazai was so tired. He slept at a very late hour in the previous night and Chuuya woke him way too early. Though he didn't stop there, he would kick Dazai's chair with his foot whenever he sees him falling asleep during classes.

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