Act of kindness

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Huge buildings, cars driving by, people passing by. It was night time.

A thick glass was all that separated night from the lightened shop where was Chuuya. Slim fingers tapped on armchair as mind counted seconds.

"You can come whenever you're ready, sir ."

Heart skipped a beat. Blue eyes eyed not the tall brunet facing them, but what he was about to do.

Chuuya needed just as much courage to get off that chair as he needed to get to this shop. It was not an easy choice.

"My name's Dazai, i will be your hairdresser today ."

The hair stylist expected an introduction from the redhead in return but he was given none. He didn't mind it, hand already brushing hair as he stared at the reflection of his pale client.

"This is my first time getting a redhaired client, i am honored ."

Dazai figured the smile he was given was not genuine. He didn't know what was the issue, thus why he tried his best to make the gloomy client comfortable by showering him with compliments.

"Your hair is so unique compared to what i usually get, let it be the color, the texture, it feels so soft against the skin yet it also has pretty curls to it, you were blessed with very beautiful hair, sir ."

Both hands were playing with long, orange hair, gentle smile never leaving the brunet's lips, despite he not getting a single reply, not even a smile.

"So ? What haircut should we turn this beautiful redhair into ?"

"Bald ."

Chuuya didn't think twice of it. If he thought twice of it, he wouldn't say it.

He already imagined, processed, repeated this moment over and over again for the past weeks, there was nothing to hold him back at this point.

"I want to be bald, so cut it all ."

He had to repeat himself when he received no reply, glancing up to find a statue next to him.

Dazai stood there, motionless, soft, orange locks still between long fingers. Never questioning or judging a client's order was part of being a great hairdresser, yet Dazai couldn't keep it in.

"I know your hair is very uncommon in this country but if anyone is annoying you because of it just tell me and-"

"I wish i was getting bullied because of it .. i wish this was the issue ..."

Dazai was lost for words, Chuuya could guess how utterly baffled his hairstylist was. He looked at the brunet's reflection in the mirror, then forced out a smile.

"I am cancerous, i will be starting my chemotherapy sessions next week ."


These two, small sentences may have cleared Dazai's confusion ... but they didn't lessen his state of utter shock at all ... it was quite the opposite.

"It will start falling down anyway so i might as well go bald from the very start ."

"He is smiling ..." Despite his shock, Dazai quickly held himself together, he had to when his own client was this strong spirited. He bit his inner cheek, he needed to cheer him up.

"So a bald haircut it is, i'm sure you will rock it !"

Dazai had his tools ready, one hand on hair as the other turned the small machine on.

"Where should we start ?"

"Wherever you want .."

Heart broke at the sight of red hair falling from head to floor, Dazai wouldn't even dare imagine how it must feel for the one sitting on the chair.

All his attention was on the redhead slowly turning bald. He noticed hands holding tight on the armchairs, he could tell Chuuya was trying hard not to have a break down right then and there.

Dazai wore a sad smile as memories resurfaced, as soon as he was done, he didn't even think twice of it as hand was brought to head.

Chuuya was struggling with his own feelings, he was a grown up, he was a man, he prepared himself, whether it was to this or to the idea of his own death, shedding tears was unnecessary.


Tears streamed down his face.

They wouldn't stop.

At the sight of his hairdresser shaving his own head.

Why ?!
Don't do it !
Stop !

No words left Chuuya's throat, he brought his hands to his face to wipe the tears but they wouldn't stop falling.

"Here we go ."

A light chuckle could be heard from the brunet who wasn't a brunet anymore "This brings back memories ..." he thought at the sight of his bald head, then he turned the chair of his client and kneeled by his side, he couldn't look more caring than he did.

"See ? Hair or not, we're still the same ."

He saw him nod, still wiping his non stopping tears.

"It's a pretty cheap price to pay, don't you think so ?"

Dazai was a little hesitant, slowly lifting his hand to rest it on a wet cheek, helping fade his tears away.

"I know you're strong, you can get through this, the only thing that matters is that you heal, so please heal ."

Chuuya's nodding was more obvious this time, his hand rested on Dazai's as he let out a laugh between his weak sobs at Dazai's words.

"And once you heal, you can grow your hair and trim it as many times as you want, okay ?"

"Yeah .."

The streets were empty by the time Chuuya calmed down, there were no people to see him, no one waiting for him at home, yet he still put on a hat to cover his shaved head.

He thanked the hairdresser, being sure it didn't sound as genuine as he felt, words could never express how grateful he was to this stranger who shaved his own head to support him in his rough times.

"Make sure to comeback once you need a trim, i will be waiting for you ."

"I will !"

Chuuya gave him one last smile then faced him with his back, looking forward to the next time he gets to see him.

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