Heated Night

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Warning : Smut ! Omegaverse !

It has been a week since Dazai moved to France but here he was, already done with it all. He shouldn't have listened to his friends who encouraged him to move overseas and have 'new experiences' because he already regrets. Getting to his studies and finding a job, a place to stay in, speaking French, even the weather seemed to be against him.

It was his first weekend after he moved there, he had nothing to do the next day and the idea he had was surely not the best, giving up to some liquor at least for the night. The plan was to buy some beers he could drink on his own but the closest place with alcohol he could find was a nightclub. He knew way too well that this was a bad idea but he still opted for it.

He could hear the loud music before he even reaches said nightclub and the second he stepped inside, he felt like he was in a different world and he could tell his head will hurt as hell in the next morning.

He thought he did well by heading to the bar from the corners instead of walking between all those crazy people dancing but all he got were other crazy people making out. He sighed, remembering how lonely he was as he ordered for a whiskey that came quickly.

He took small sips from his glass while glancing at the drunk dancers suddenly realizing that he shouldn't get drunk when he's on his own, mostly not in a nightclub but then he thought 'Fuck it !' finishing the glass in one gulp then ordering a second one.

With one hand on the counter and the other around the glass, his mind wandered to other places, mostly his studies and job but a hand suddenly on his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts. He instently turned to his left finding a short redhead who kept saying words he couldn't hear until he got closer to his ear.

"J'ai dis, puis je m'assoir ici ?" (I said, can i sit here ?)

Dazai guessed what the redhead meant when he pointed at the seat beside his, he nodded then turned his attention to his glass again till the ginger addressed him again.

"Tu es Asiatique, pas vrai ?" (You're an Asian, right ?)

Dazai nodded again, this time understanding his words and noticing his small blue earring that matched his gorgeous cerulean eyes.

"De quel pays ?" (Which country ?)

Dazai wondered what was the point behind these questions but he quickly ignored his thoughts deciding to enjoy the moment now that he got some company giving the redhead all his attention.

"Le Japon ." (Japan .)

"Ah i knew it ! I'm Japanese too !"

The ginger didn't wait to switch to Japanese startling Dazai but also making him feel comfortable now that he gets to talk with his mother tongue.

"Really ? You look so French like .."

"While you look so Japanese like. Anyway, i'm Chuuya, you ?"

"Dazai. Dazai Osamu ."

"Nice to meet you, Dazai ."

Dazai took the other's hand shaking it, not missing the red painted nails finally seeing Chuuya's longer hair when the latter leaned on the counter resting his cheek on the palm of his hand giving him all his attention.

"What brought you to France ?"

"A scholarship, i applied for multiple ones in different countries and this one was the first  that accepted me so here i am. How about you ?"

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