The Prince and The Thief

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*Kyouka is 18 in this story.

On the highest roof in the Capital stood Chuuya, wind blowing through his hair covering his vision that he had to keep his long ginger strands aside to have a proper look on the city, analyzing every inch, noticing every movement then eyeing the carriage that came through the Capital's doors till he heard someone call his name.

"Chuuya-san !! Why do you always have to stay in these high places ..."

"Ah Atsushi, you're finally back ."

The silver haired boy needed a moment to catch his breath then join the ginger and look down.

"The city sure is lively .."

"Coming here was a good decision, look at all these merchants and famous adventurers, i heard there is even a Prince around which means more preys to steal from !"

"Look what i stole today !"

Atsushi pulled from his pocket a jewel that he held close to his eye, it was so pure that he could see the ginger through it.

"It's the same blue as Chuuya-san's eyes ."

He wore a bright grin that turned to a pout when Chuuya took the jewel, busy checking if it was an authentic one.

"Looks like the real deal, hopefully it will get us some money ."

"It's so beautiful it would be a shame to sell it ..."

Atsushi didn't get to smile till he felt Chuuya's hand ruffle his hair, telling him the Good job ! that he worked so hard for.

"I'm going back to the city, maybe i will get something else before the end of the day ."

"You should go to the kids, lately they only see you at night, they miss you ."

"I .. i will try to go home early ."

Atsushi was about to wave at him and leave but he stopped when he felt Chuuya's hand hold him from the back of his collar.

"Aren't you hiding something from me~"

"N-not at all !!"

"You're such a bad liar, you thought i didn't notice ? And i who believed you considered me as your older brother and would be honest with me ..."

Atsushi's orbs doing their best not to meet blue ones meant only one thing, he was really hiding something and he soon gave up, choosing to be honest.

"I ... i didn't want to bother you with that ."

"Why would it bother me ? You can see that girl if you want, if anything i thought you would introduce her to the whole family ."

"You ... wouldn't like it ..."

"Why wouldn't i ? She looks like a nice girl plus if you like each other then this is all that matters ."

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