Undercover Mission : Failed

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"Why am i doing this ?!" Chuuya held the bag full of lemon bombs tight in nervousness, making small yet quick steps towards the Agency building .

It all started when he spent his free time with Kajii and Akutagawa and the latter had to mention how much he wanted Jinko- or more like Atsushi, dead. To help him, Kajii suggested multiple plans to defeat the Agency members, they even simulated them and in the end, they agreed to follow this one. It just happened that only Chuuya would be part of this mission.

"You look perfect as a girl ! No one could ever guess who you really are !" Kajii said.

"Your acting was great ... it really was ." Akutagawa added.

So here was Chuuya, heading to their promised foe to blow up their building, his mind still recalling the plan "I need to reach the building, fall and drop the bag on the ground then let the lemon bombs do the job ... the more i think of it the more stupid it sounds- plus what if there were civilians around ? And it's not like i hate the Agency members that much .. well, except that mackerel and the genius jerk who left me inside the book ... but this explosion might really kill them-"

Chuuya stopped for a second shaking his head, he still had ginger hair but in a long wig, he also had a white hat, white choker and white gloves plus the blue skirt that matched his blue eyes, he felt so uncomfortable with the bra and fake chest "I shouldn't worry about them, if they fall for this stupid plan, they don't deserve to be called our enemies besides, i'm a Mafia executive dammit why am i worried for them ?! I'm supposed to be the bad guy here !"

His eyes had to fall on his reflexion in a shop glass when he had his last thoughts, he couldn't help but sigh at his looks "Well .. at least i don't look that bad ..."

At some point, he wondered why all eyes were on him, maybe it was his make up or worse ! People guessed he was a guy and thought he was a weirdo for crossdressing. Little did he know, whoever had their eyes on him were charmed by his beauty, men and women, with no exception.

His heartbeat increased when blue eyes laid on said building, his steps slowed down, gloved hands tightening their hold on the dark blue bag "It's time ..."

Chuuya took a deep breath, he made sure not to get close until there were no civilians around. Only few steps were left for him to reach the door and he acted like falling not expecting Atsushi and Kyouka to walk out of the building right at that moment.

As nice as he was, Atsushi instently joined the lady on the ground asking if she was okay, Kyouka on the other hand, had her eyes elsewhere, they were on the bag with the lemons.

"Use your ability and throw them up !"

Atsushi didn't think much, he followed Kyouka's words, activated his ability turning his hand to a tiger's then he took the bag and threw it up with all his strength soon seeing how it exploded in the sky, without harming anyone fortunately.

Atsushi was back to the lady still on the ground, shocked from all that just happened. Kyouka suspected the woman at first but at her dumbfounded face, she thought a certain someone probably used her without her knowing.
Both had no idea Chuuya was just shocked at how fast their plan was ruined "They really deserve to be called our enemies ..." but his thoughts quickly shifted to Atsushi who, for some reason, suddenly carried him bridal style inside the building.

"This- this is the worst situation ever !" Cerulean orbs wandered around the room they were in then were on his skirt when the Agency members joined him.

He held tight on his skirt, he was so embarrassed, he could pray as much as he wanted but he knew he could never fool Dazai or Ranpo. The second their eyes lay on him they will get what all of this is about and he might get in trouble with the government but the worst part is "That mackerel will never shut up about this ! I'm done ! I'm so done !!!!"

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