Girls like Girls

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Her hair was long and silky, it was of a dark brown matching her stunning hazel eyes, her light skin seemed soft, looking perfect with the black high school uniform. She was slim, had long legs just as of a model but she would hide them with dark tights, ones that drove every boy crazy, her fingers were slender, playing with her pen as she used her other hand to support her head, her eyes focused on the teacher the whole time ...

... just like Chuuya's eyes were focused on her the whole time.

Chuuya's English was great so she didn't judge necessary to focus during her English classes, she used these hours to admire her new classmate, one she couldn't take out of her mind for some reason, she has been thinking of her since she first saw her, she thought of how polite she was, how beautiful she looked, how- "We're done ?" The bell interrupted her thoughts, her eyes still on the girl.

She didn't realize she took too long looking at her till she locked eyes with her as the girl turned around, she even smiled at her instead of thinking she was weird, Chuuya thought she was the nicest.

It was noon thus the troublemakers had to come. Chuuya's desk was the last one, right beside the window while the brown haired girl sat in the third desk of the next row. Her friends took seats in further desks but during lunch break, they would always come to sit around Chuuya's desk and have their lunch together.

Chuuya watched Naomi, Higuchi and Lucy join her, taking out their bentos and starting some conversation she couldn't focus on, all her attention was on the brown haired girl who glanced at them few times before taking her bento and walking to them.

"Is it okay if i join you ?"

"Ah Osa-chan ! Of course it's okay, come here ."

"Osa- chan ?!" Chuuya was jealous that Naomi was familiar with her, she was familiar with everyone in the school. She gave her a seat right in front of Chuuya who couldn't help but wonder how she was supposed to have her lunch now, she felt nervous.

Her friends soon addressed her pulling her out of her thoughts. It was Lucy who spoke bringing up a subject Chuuya hated, especially with Dazai around.

"He was looking at you during all the morning classes ! He really has a thing for you !!"

"He doesn't ..."

"How can you say that as if you don't care ?? He's nice, good looking and the football team's ace, you should consider him seriously !"

Chuuya didn't hate Tachihara but she didn't like him either, she felt that they would be better as buddies but according to her friends, he wanted more which she definitely was against.

She kept listening to them arguing whether she should get with him or not, she wished Dazai would voice her opinion but she seemed more focused on her phone, suddenly apologizing as she sat up saying she should answer a call. Higuchi glanced at her till she left then turned to her friends.

"Everyone was saying she was mean and selfish but she seems nice to me .."

"They're just jealous she's more beautiful and has the best grades ."

Naomi retorted, about to finish her lunch when Dazai came back having all eyes on her, Lucy was too curious and couldn't keep her thoughts to herself.

"Was it your .. boyfriend ?"

"Yeah, it was ."

"But why did you need the phone, is he not in this school ?"

"He's a college student ."

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