Phone Call

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Warning : SMUT !

'Mackerel' showing on Chuuya's phone at 11 p.m was a rare sight but then, even for crucial missions, Dazai never calls so this must be for something stupid, or so sleepy Chuuya thought. No one could blame him though, it has been months since the last time he got to sleep before midnight.

Of course, he didn't pick up but it seems like that useless waste of space wasn't ready to give up. Chuuya didn't give in till the 7th call pulling the phone close to his ear without changing position as he was sleeping on his belly.

"What ?"

"People say hi, how are you, they get worried .. but Chuuya is too stupid for that ."

"Yes yes i'm ending the call ."

Chuuya didn't lie, he did end the call, put the phone on the nightstand then bury his face in the pillow, Dazai's voice was the last one he wanted to hear but again, Dazai kept calling and calling and right when the redhead was going to turn his phone off, he read a text Dazai sent him 'Pick up or i'm coming to your place' and he fell for it, properly picking up this time.

"What do you want ?!"

"I have a bellyache ."

"Then go see a Doctor, don't you have one in the Agency ?"

"No .. Yosano-san would kill me if i bothered her at such a time ."

"Oh so it's okay to bother me at such a time but not her ?"

"I know that deep deep inside, Chuuya is the nicest~"

"No, i'm not ! What do you even want from me ?"

"Mmh .. hear me whine maybe ?"

"Why would i do that ?!"

"Because i'm always here to hear you whine !! Did i ever not pick up when you would call and start whining while you're drunk ?"

'Yes, when you left for four years without a word ..' Chuuya didn't dare say these words, he turned to lay on his back instead with one hand on his forehead, he could already tell that he won't sleep for the night.

"What did you even eat ?"

"Noodles in that new shop with Atsushi-kun and Kunikida-kun yet i'm the only one who is in pain, this is so unfair right ??"

"No ."

"But you know what i need right now ?"

"What do you need right now ?"

"I already got it, my lovely bottle~"

"Are you planning to get drunk on saké ?"

Chuuya let out a chuckle, one bottle of saké was too weak to get anyone drunk- or not, maybe he would get drunk but he knew this wasn't enough for Dazai.

"No, i got something stronger this time, it's whiskey ."

"The one with over 40° of alcohol ?"

"Yup ! And i already drank like .. a third of it ."

"That's too much ! Put it aside ."

"Eeeeh is Chuuya getting worried for me ?"

"You- just put it aside or imma come and throw it, you know i can be there in a minute if i want to ."

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