In your eyes, i saw freedom ...

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Dazai looked out from the small window of the carriage only to find desert dunes out there ... he sighed as he thought "There aren't even rivers where i could drown ..."

He didn't want to be there but this was his only chance to properly negotiate with that tribe and earn a lot of money so that he can finally buy his own freedom from his master, not like he really cared about himself as he didn't really hate his actual situation. Even though he was a slave, Mori still treated him as his own son for him being the best merchantman in the continent.

So here they were going to negotiate with this other tribe that was located in the depths of the golden desert about some rare articles without forgetting the fact that they had foreign slaves and Mori wanted to check if they had some cute little girls to buy as slaves.

The brunet was so annoyed as they were sitting in front of the other tribe's chief. He remained silent letting his father figure negotiate on his own for now, he really was tired from their talk and laughs, they seemed so hypocritical, not like he was different as he just kept that fake smile on his face.

The chief suddenly ordered to bring the dancers to entretain them. "Finally something interesting~" thought Dazai as he adjusted himself to look at the dancers but only one, the one who was in the middle, catched his interest for her different looks as she was the only white skinned one but what made her special were her ginger hair and ocean blue eyes without mentionning those sexy curves.

He also noticed as the dancer had all her attention on him, as if she was dancing just for him. "Is she flirting with me ?" He thought as he heared the chief asking both him and Mori to choose whoever they wanted from those girls to spend the night with. Dazai instently hushed that he wanted the one with ginger hair, he was scared that Mori may choose her before him. He noticed one of the girls wanting to make a comment but he thought that she wanted to be the chosen one so that they pay her more so he insisted that the dancer in the middle was the one he wanted.

He left his father figure there who was asking if they had little girls and went with one of the workers to show him where his room was.

The second he entered, he found the sexy dancer laying on the bed waiting for him with not too much clothes on actually. He headed to the bed with a smirk while letting his cloth fall leaving his upper half just covered with bandages.

He directly went on top of the other while kissing her belly noticing that she shivered in the process :"You never did this ?" He whispered seductivly as he kissed her neck now but the dancer said nothing, she just turned her head to the other side while blushing. "You don't understand what i'm saying ?" Dazai whispered but here again, no response. That slightly pissed him off so he directed his hand between the other's legs to make her say something or at least moan just to freeze instently.

"You are a guy ?!" He asked with a surprised tone. The ginger nodded silently and covered himself as he got up from the bed but the brunet held his wrist firmly to stop him :"I didn't ask you to go ..."

"I ... will tell them to send a girl ..." the other whispered shyly while trying to pull his hand off of the other's grip. "His voice ..." Dazai thought as he pulled him back to the bed and positionned himself on top of him again :"You're the dancer from before right ? What are you doing here ?"

"That girl tried to tell you that i'm a guy but you didn't want to hear ..." the redhead whispered weakly while averting the other's gaze. Dazai sighed then kissed the other's neck again after he lifted his hands above his head so that he doesn't try to stop him.

"Hey ..." the other tried to push him away but the brunet wouldn't stop till the other muttered :"Aren't you disgusted ..."

Dazai pulled away and stared at him for a moment then whispered with a smirk :"Unfortunately for you, you're perfectly my type so... you can forget about getting away~" he then licked the other's cheek not giving him a chance to say something.

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